Legal notices for week of May 12


By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Circuit Court of Brown County, Indiana, in Cause No. 07C01-1908-MF-000320 wherein CitiMortgage, Inc. was Plaintiff, and Michael K. Dunn a/k/a Michael Dunn Valerie K. Dunn a/k/a Valerie Dunn, US Mortgage Resolution, LLC and State of Indiana through its Department of Revenue were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 11th day of June, 2020, at the hour of 10:00 A.M. or as soon thereafter as is possible, at 55 State Road 46 East, Nashville, IN 47448, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Brown County, Indiana.
Part of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 32, T9N, R4E, Washington Township, Brown County Indiana described as follows: Commencing at SE corner of the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of said Section 32; thence N88-12-33W (bearing from previous survey this office) on and along the South line of said SE1/4 NE1/4 299.47 feet to the apparent center of Rinnie Seitz County Road and the beginning; thence Continuing N88-12-33W on and along said South line 496.89 feet; thence N01-47-27E 516.60 feet; thence S88-12-33E 331.62 feet to the apparent center of said County; thence the following Six (6) courses are with the apparent center of said County Road; S33-56-38E 73.36 feet, S17-55-00E 62.58 feet, S09-50-48E 209.20 feet, S06-30-31E 92.47 feet, S20-05-53E 77.61 feet and S27-44-35E 34.16 feet to the beginning, containing 5.00 acres, more or less.
More commonly known as: 7766 Rinne Seitz, Nashville, IN 47448
Parcel No. :
Together with rents, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.
Sheriff of Brown County
Doyle & Foutty, P.C.
41 E Washington Street
Suite 400
Indianapolis, IN 46204 Washington Township
7766 Rinne Seitz,
Nashville, IN 47448
Street Address
The Sheriff’s Department does not warrant the accuracy of the
street addressed published herein
Michael K. Dunn a/k/a Michael Dunn
7766 Rinne Seitz
Nashville, IN 47448
Valerie K. Dunn a/k/a Valerie Dunn
7766 Rinne Seitz
Nashville, IN 47448
60051859, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27/2020, hspaxlp, 20-78

Legal Advertisement
By virtue of a certified copy of a Decree from the Clerk of the Brown Circuit Court of Brown County, Indiana, in 07C01-1907-MF-000292 where MutualBank, successor in interest by merger to BloomBank, formerly known as Bloomfield State Bank was Plaintiff, and Joseph M. Torres aka Joseph Torres, Carol R. Torres and State of Indiana Department of Revenue, were the Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 11th day of 2020, at the hour of 10:00 a.m. or as soon thereafter as is possible, at the Brown County Sheriff’s Department, 55 SR 46 E., Nashville, Indiana 47448, the fee simple of the whole body of the following Real Estate located in Brown County, Indiana, and described as follows:
Parcel 1 – 1.17 Acres:
A part of the South half of the Southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 9 North, Range 2 East, of the Second Principal Meridian, Washington Township, Brown County, Indiana, more specifically described as follows:
Commencing at a stone found marking the Southwest corner of said Southeast quarter; Thence on the South line of said Southeast quarter North 87 degrees 31 minutes 29 seconds East (assumed basis of bearings) 567.10 feet to a stone found marking the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of said Southeast quarter; Thence on the South line of said quarter-quarter South 88 degrees 04 minutes 40 seconds East 159.92 feet; Thence leaving said South line North 01 degree 55 minutes 20 seconds East 788.33 feet to a mag nail set on the centerline of a road at the True Point of Beginning.
Thence leaving said road North 03 degrees 52 minutes 11 seconds West 356.23 feet to a 5/8 inch diameter rebar with a cap engraved “Bynum Fanyo 890006” (called “monument” for the remainder of this description) set; Thence continuing North 03 degrees 52 minutes 11 seconds West 45.28 feet to the centerline of Salt Creek; Thence on the centerline of Salt Creek South 83 degrees 35 minutes 00 seconds East 56.36 feet; Thence North 88 degrees 43 minutes 24 seconds East 68.17 feet; Thence leaving said creek South 06 degrees 28 minutes 29 seconds East 50.77 feet to a monument set; Thence continuing South 06 degrees 28 minutes 29 seconds East 200.63 feet to a monument set; Thence South 76 degrees 10 minutes 58 seconds East 181.60 feet to a mag nail set on the centerline of State Road 46; Thence leaving said State Road 46 and on the centerline of a county road South 83 degrees 16 minutes 30 seconds West 26.43 feet to a mag nail set; Thence North 75 degrees 52 minutes 12 seconds West 33.98 feet to a mag nail set; Thence South 75 degrees 45 minutes 06 seconds West 85.52 feet to a mag nail set; Thence South 67 degrees 51 minutes 16 seconds West 92.86 feet to a mag nail set at the beginning of a curve concave Southeast and having a radius of 200.00 feet; Thence on said curve Southwesterly 85.66 feet through a central angle of 24 degrees 32 minutes 18 seconds to a mag nail set; Thence South 43 degrees 18 minutes 58 seconds West 5.16 feet to the point of beginning, containing 1.17 acres, more or less.
Parcel 2 – 4.92 Acres:
Part of the South half of the Southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 9 North, Range 2 East of the Second principal Meridian, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows:
Beginning at a point that is 298.00 feet East of and 330.00 feet North of the Southwest corner thereof; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes East 354.01 feet; thence North 88 degrees 31 minutes East 100.00 feet; thence North 00 degrees 00 minutes East 555.54 feet to the centerline of Salt Creek; thence Southeast on and along the said centerline 60.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes East 368.57 feet to the centerline of an easement; thence South 17 degrees 40 minutes East on and along the said centerline 26.85 feet; thence South 45 degrees 53 minutes East on and along the said centerline 150.85 feet; thence on and along the said centerline following a curve to the left, whose intersection angle is 78 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds and whose radius is 38.41 feet, a curved distance of 52.59 feet; thence North 55 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East on and along the said centerline 77.65 feet; thence North 60 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East on and along the said centerline 180.02 feet; thence North 74 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East on and along the said centerline 169.69 feet; thence South 76 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds East on and along the said centerline 39.53 feet to the centerline of State Road No. 46; thence South 35 degrees 39 minutes West on and along the said centerline 125.90 feet; thence South 26 degrees 44 minutes West on and along the said centerline 144.17 feet; thence South 17 degrees 24 minutes West on and along the said centerline 333.40 feet; thence South 88 degrees 31 minutes West 526.00 feet to the place of beginning, containing 7.02 acres, more or less.
A part of the South half of the Southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 9 North, Range 2 East of the Second Principal Meridian, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows:
Beginning at a point that is 781.03 feet North of and 528.30 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof, said point being in the centerline of an existing road; thence South 45 degrees 53 minutes East 66.35 feet to the beginning point of a curve; thence following a curve to the left, whose intersection angle is 78 degrees 27 minutes 30 seconds and whose radius is 38.41 feet, a curved distance of 52,59 feet; thence North 55 degrees 29 minutes 30 seconds East 77.65 feet; thence North 60 degrees 36 minutes 30 seconds East 180.02 feet; thence North 74 degrees 55 minutes 30 seconds East 48.00 feet to the centerline of a road; thence South 68 degrees 20 minutes West on and along the said centerline 73.00 feet: thence South 49 degrees 57 minutes 30 seconds West 114.55 feet; thence South 42 degrees 03 minutes West 125.96 feet to the beginning point of a curve; thence following a curve to the right whose central angle is 120 degrees 59 minutes and whose radius is 50.94 feet, a curved distance of 106.91 feet; thence North 16 degrees 58 minutes West 55.90 feet; thence North 21 degrees 02 minutes West 27.50 feet to the place of beginning, containing in said Exception 0.30 of an acre, more or less.
A part of the Southeast quarter of Section 24, Township 9 North, Range 2 East, lying in Washington Township, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows:
Commencing at a stone found at the Southwest corner of said quarter; thence North 89 degrees 15 minutes East (taken from previous survey) along the South line of said quarter 299.0 feet to a point: thence North 01 degree 39 minutes East a distance of 519.7 feet to the point of beginning; thence North 01 degree 39 minutes East a distance of 174.2 feet to a point; thence North 66 degrees 40 minutes East a distance of 102.7 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar set; thence North 24 degrees 08 minutes East a distance of 150.9 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar found in the center of an asphalt road; thence South 45 degrees 06 minutes East along said road 93.1 feet to a point; thence South 29 degrees 50 minutes East along said road 60.8 feet to a point; thence South 18 degrees 39 minutes East along said road 66.4 feet to a point; thence South 47 degrees 03 minutes East along said road 48.4 feet to a point; thence North 76 degrees 11 minutes East along said road 48.4 feet to a point at the intersection of two asphalt roads; thence South 50 degrees 26 minutes West along an asphalt road 56.5 feet to a point; thence South 44 degrees 32 minutes West along said road 72.3 feet to a point; thence South 25 degrees 39 minutes West along said road 72.3 feet to a point; thence South 17 degrees 06 minutes West along said road 61.2 feet to a point; thence South 17 degrees 25 minutes West a distance of 18.7 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar found; thence North 60 degrees 21 minutes West a distance of 155.9 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar found; thence North 88 degrees 21 minutes West a distance of 76.3 feet to the point of beginning, containing in said Exception 1.8 acres, more or less, (Said Exception Designated as Lots No. 17 and 18 of Lake Ridge Estates on an unrecorded plat of a survey certified December 15, 1983 by Orwic Alexander Johnson, Registered Land Surveyor No. S0050). LEAVING HEREIN DESCRIBED 4.92 ACRES, MORE OR LESS.
With the exception of any condition, covenant or restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status, or national origin unless and only to the extent that said covenant (a) is exempt under Chapter 42, Section 3607 of the United States Code, or (b) relates to handicap, but does not discriminate against handicapped persons, the above described real estate is subject to terms and provisions set forth in the instrument entitled “Joint Driveway Agreement” dated October 14, 1966 and recorded October 21, 1966 in Miscellaneous Record No. 17, pages 84-85; to the terms and provisions set forth in the instrument entitled “Basement For Roadway an Utility Purposes and Declaration of Dedication to the Public”dated July 3, 1982 and recorded July 6, 1982 in Easement Record No. 4, pages 164-168; to the terms and provisions set forth in the instrument entitled “Covenants, Restrictions, and Assessments for Lake Ridge Estates – Amendment to Easement Record #4, pages 164-168” recorded August 4, 2008 as Instrument No. 2008-2288, all in the Office of the Recorder of Brown County, Indiana, and to all other valid easements, restrictions, roadways and rights of way of record.
Commonly known as: 320 Hickory Knob, Nashville, Indiana 47448
Parcel No. 07-06-24-300-161.000-014
Together with rents, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.
Scott Southerlan, Sheriff
Sheriff of Brown County
Plaintiff Attorney:
Jason L. McAuley, #22462-53
1720 N. Kinser Pike, Suite 110
PO Box 1030
Bloomington, IN. 47402-1030
Washington Township
320 Hickory Knob
Nashville, Indiana 47448
The Sheriff’s Department does not warrant the accuracy of the street address published herein.
Joseph Torres
320 Hickory Knob
Nashville, IN. 47448
Service by Sheriff
Carol Torres
320 Hickory Knob
Nashville, IN. 47448
Service by Sheriff
60051905 hspaxlp
B: 05/13/2020, 05/20/2020, 05/27/2020

Legal Advertisement
By virtue of a certified copy of a decree to me directed from the Clerk of Circuit Court of Brown County, Indiana, in Cause No. 07C01-1902-MF-000063 wherein First Guaranty Mortgage Corporation was Plaintiff, and Patricia J Morgan, et al., were Defendants, requiring me to make the sum as provided for in said Decree with interest and cost, I will expose at public sale to the highest bidder, on the 11th day of June, 2020, at the hour of 10 am or as soon thereafter as is possible, at 55 State Road 46 East, Nashville, IN 47448, the fee simple of the whole body of Real Estate in Brown County, Indiana.
A part of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section One (1), Township Nine (9) North, Range One (1) East, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a point in the center of the Public Road Three Hundred Three (303) feet East of the Northwest corner of the Northwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section One (1), Township Nine (9) North , Range One (1) East; thence South Two Hundred Eighty-seven and Three Tenths (287.3) feet to the right of way of the Illinois Central Railroad; thence following said right of way in a Northeasterly direction Fifty-one and Five Tenths (51.5) feet; thence North Two Hundred Seventy-eight and Two Tenths (278.2) feet; thence West Fifty (50) feet to the point of beginning. Containing 0.32 of an acre, more or less.
More commonly known as: 6089 S Shore Dr, Unionville, IN 47468
Parcel No. 07-05-01-200-112.000-002
Together with rents, issues, income, and profits thereof, said sale will be made without relief from valuation or appraisement laws.
“Subject to all liens, encumbrances and easements of record not otherwise extinguished in the proceedings known as Cause No. 07C01-1902-MF-000063 in the Circuit/Superior Court of the County of Brown, Indiana.”
Scott D. Southerland
Sheriff of Brown County
Plaintiff Attorney:
Matthew C. Gladwell (30493-49)
Joel F. Bornkamp (27410-49)
Christopher J. Arlinghaus (31680-15)
Gregory A. Stout (29517-15)
Amanda L. Krenson (28999-61)
Reisenfeld & Associates LLC
3962 Red Bank Road
Cincinnati, OH 45227
Voice: (513) 322-7000
Facsimile: (513) 322-7099
60051969 hspaxlp
B: 5/13/2020, 5/20/2020, 5/27/2020

Notice is hereby given that an approval from 326 IAC 4-1 has been issued to Kenneth Wagler, to conduct a controlled open burn of 6 brush piles, with a combined total volume of ~52,277ft3, of tree waste derived from the maintenance of the ~61 acre agricultural land located east of Helmsburg Road, north of Beanblossom Creek, and south of SR-45, Morgantown, Brown County.
Any affected person wishing to challenge this decision is required by Indiana Code Section (IC) 4-21.5-3-7 to file a petition for administrative review. (Please note that a “petition for administrative review” is not a compilation of interested party signatures but is a legal document, the requirements of which are described in IC 4-21.5-3-7.) The petition must be submitted in writing to N-501E, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, within fifteen (15) days of the publication of this newspaper notice.
Pursuant to IC 13-14-8-11 (formerly IC 13-7-7-6), IC 4-21.5-5 and IC 4-21.5-3-7, this decision will become effective within fifteen (15) days of the publication date of this newspaper notice or, in the case of individuals who have received personal notifications, within eighteen (18) days of the mailing date of this Notice of Approval unless a petition for review is submitted by an affected party. Pursuant to IC 4-21.5-3-5(d), the Office of Environmental Adjudication will provide an interested party with notice of any pre-hearing conferences, preliminary hearing, or orders disposing of the review of this decision if a written request is submitted to the Office of Environmental Adjudication. Further information regarding the appeal process is available at
A copy of the Approval decision is available for inspection and copying at the following: ? Brown County Health Department, 201 Locust Lane, Nashville, ? Brown County Public Library, 205 Locust Lane, Nashville. ? Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM) Virtual File Cabinet (VFC) at
The Approval can be found in VFC by using the following search criteria:
– Program: OAQ
– Document Type: Compliance
– FullText Search: CW-246989
60052009, 5/13/2020, hspaxlp, 20-79

Notice is hereby given that Chester and Lori A. Morgan have filed with the Area Plan Commission of the County of Brown, Indiana, an application for Rezoning of property, to wit:
Legal description of premises (see attached).
Applicant is requesting approval for rezoning the described property from Secondary Residential (R2) to General Business (GB.) The property is located at 5737 Hoover Road Trail in Hamblen Township.
The file on this matter is available for public inspection at least 10 days prior to the hearing, during the regular working hours at the Brown County Area Plan Commission office in the County Office Building, Nashville, Indiana.
The Commission will hold a public hearing on May 26, 2020 during a meeting commencing at 6:00 p.m. All interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard in reference to the matters set out in the petition. This notice is being published to notify persons affected by this petition by order of the Area Plan Commission. Written comments regarding the petition, which are filed with the secretary of the Area Plan Commission before the hearing will be considered. The hearing may be continued from time to time. The meeting will be held in the second floor meeting room of the County Office Building, Nashville, Indiana. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic, the hearing may be conducted by remote means using internet/telephone technology. Please call
the number below or visit the planning webpage at: http://browncounty
ts/Planning Commission.aspx for updates. If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in the meeting, please contact the Area Plan Commission at (812) 988-5490.
Petitioner: Chester and Lori A. Morgan
Date: May 6, 2020
Petitioner: Chester and Lori Morgan
ALSO, part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter and part of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 36, Township 10 North, Range 3 East, Hamblen Township, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning at a road nail set in the center of Gatesville County Road South 87 degrees 22 minutes West 762.4 feet from a rebar found marking the Southeast comer of said Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter, also being the Northeast corner of said Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter; thence Southwesterly with the center of said County Road 100.0 feet to a road nail set; thence North 03 degrees 21 minutes West 473.2 feet to rebar set; thence North 87 degrees 51 minutes East 100.0 feet to a rebar set; thence South 03 degrees 21 minutes East 473.2 feet to the beginning, containing 1.09 acres, more or less.
60052015, 5/13, 5/20, 5/27/2020, hspaxlp, 20-80

Notice is hereby given that the Brown County Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on May 27, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the second-floor meeting room in the County Office Building. The purpose of the meeting is to consider a petition by Sharon Guingrich to amend the Oak Haven Bed and Breakfast Special Exception site plan.
The location of the property is 2668 Owl Creek Road in Jackson Township.
Legal description of premises: (See attached)
The file on this matter is available for public inspection 10 days prior to the hearing, during the regular working hours at the Brown County Area Plan Commission office in the County Office Building located at 201 Locust Lane in Nashville, Indiana.
All interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard in reference to the matters set out in the petition. Written comments regarding the petition, which are filed with the secretary of the Area Plan Commission before the hearing, will be considered. The hearing may be continued from time to time. If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in the meeting, please contact the Area Plan Commission office at (812) 988-5490. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, this meeting may be held remotely using internet and telephone technology. More information is available at or by calling 812 988-5490.
Area Plan Commission / Board of Zoning Appeals Secretary
Printed Name:Kayla Robertson
Signature Kayla Robertoon
Part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section Nine (9), Township Nine (9) North, Range Two (2) East, Brown County, Indiana, and more particularly described as follows: Beginning at a concrete monument found marking the Southwest corner of said Southeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter; thence North Zero (00) degrees Thirty-six (36) minutes Eighteen (18) seconds West 1,117.28 feet along the West line of said quarter quarter section to a rebar previously set; thence North Eighty-nine (89) degrees Fifty-three (53) minutes Sixteen (16) seconds East 1,023.24 feet to a P.K. nail previously set in the centerline of Owl Creek Road;
South Twenty-two (22) degrees Thirty-three (33) minutes Twenty-six (26) seconds East 294.83 feet; thence South Thirty-five (35) degrees Twelve (12) minutes Twenty-one (21) seconds East 131.79 feet to a P.K. nail previously set; thence leaving said centerline South Sixty-one (61) degrees One (01) minute Zero (00) seconds West 594.83 feet to a rebar previously set; thence South 477.56 feet to a rebar previously set; thence continuing South 78.44 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with cap set; thence South Forty-five (45) degrees Thirty-nine (39) minutes Seventeen (17) seconds West 427.51 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with cap set; thence South Fifty-three (53) degrees Eighteen (18) minutes Thirty-two (32) seconds West 458.06 feet to a 5/8 inch rebar with cap set on the West line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence along said West line North Zero (00) degrees Ten (10) minutes Zero (00) seconds West 677.51 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 29.33 acres, more or less.
60052054, 5/13/2020, hspaxlp, 20-82

Notice is hereby given that the Brown County Area Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on May 27, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the second-floor meeting room in the County Office Building. The purpose of the meeting is to consider a petition by Michael and Renee Weber for approval of an application to allow a setback Variance.
Legal description of premises: (see attached).
The property is located at 6539 Chipmunk Court in Hamblen Township.
The file on this matter is available for public inspection 10 days prior to the hearing, during regular working hours at the Brown County Area Plan Commission office in the County Office Building located at 201 Locust Lane Nashville, Indiana.
All interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard in reference to the matters set out in the application. Written comments regarding the petition, which are filed with the secretary of the Area Plan Commission before the hearing, will be considered. The hearing may be continued from time to time. If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in the meeting, please contact the Area Plan Commission office at (812) 988-5490. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, this meeting may be held remotely using internet and telephone technology. More information is available at or by calling 812-988-5490.
Area Plan Commission / Board of Zoning Appeals Secretary
Printed Name: Kayla Robertson
Signature: Kayla Roberton
INDIANA. Property: 6539 Chipmunk Court, Nineveh, IN 46164
60052057, 5/13/2020, hspaxlp, 20-84

Notice is hereby given that the Brown County Board of Zoning Appeals will hold a public hearing on May 27, 2020 at 6:00 p.m. in the second-floor meeting room in the County Office Building. The purpose of the meeting is to consider a petition by Frank Lade and Rita Knueven to amend the Enchanted Lake Lodge Special Exception site plan.
The location of the property is 8280 Beanblossom Road in Hamblen Township.
Legal description of premises: (See attached)
The file on this matter is available for public inspection 10 days prior to the hearing, during the regular working hours at the Brown County Area Plan Commission office in the County Office Building located at 201 Locust Lane in Nashville, Indiana.
All interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard in reference to the matters set out in the petition. Written comments regarding the petition, which are filed with the secretary of the Area Plan Commission before the hearing, will be considered. The hearing may be continued from time to time. If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in the meeting, please contact the Area Plan Commission office at (812) 988-5490. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, this meeting may be held remotely using internet and telephone technology. More information is available at or by calling 812 988-5490.
Area Plan Commission / Board of Zoning Appeals Secretary
Printed Name: Kayla Robertson Signature Kayla Robertson
A part of the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 10 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian, Hamblen Township, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at an iron stake found in place and marking the Northwest corner of said East half quarter section; thence South 00 degrees 39 minutes 51 seconds West (assumed bearing on and along the West line of said half quarter section 511.50 feet (deed and measured distance) to an iron pin found in place and marking the most Northwesterly corner of a 21.14-acre (by deed) tract conveyed from Worley to Poole (recorded July 9, 1973), said point also being the place of beginning on this described tract; thence South 80 degrees 24 minutes 55 seconds East on and along the North line of said tract 542 feet; thence South 00 degrees 30 minutes 51 seconds West 380 feet; thence North 80 degrees 24 minutes 55 seconds West 542 feet to the West line of said half quarter section; thence North 00 degrees 30 minutes 51 seconds East on and along the said West line of said half quarter section and on and along the West line of said 21.14-acre tract 380 feet to the place of beginning, containing 5.0 acres, more or less.
A twenty foot (20′) ingress and egress easement for access to the aforedescribed tract, beginning at the County Road being 10 feet on each side of the centerline of an existing 13 foot driveway terminating at the aforedescribed property, as set forth in amended and corrected Ingress & Egress Easement dated July 30, 1993 and recorded August 17, 1993 in Easement Record No. 9, pages 439-442.
A part of the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 10 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian, Hamblen Township, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows:
Commencing at an iron stake found in place and marking the Northwest corner of said East half quarter section; thence South 00 degrees 39 minutes 51 seconds West (assumed bearing) on and along the West line of said half quarter section 511.50 feet (deed and measured distance) to an iron pin found in place and marking the most Northwesterly corner of a 21.14-acre (by deed) tract conveyed from Worley to Poole (recorded July 9, 1973), said point also being the place of beginning of this described tract;
thence South 89 degrees 24 minutes 55 seconds East on and along the North line of said tract 1118.17 feet (1155 feet – deed) to an iron stake found in place and marking a Northeasterly corner thereof; thence South 11 degrees 28 minutes 38 seconds West on and along an Easterly line of said tract 363.38 feet (363.0 feet – deed) to an iron stake found in place and marking a corner thereof; thence South 01 degree 51 minutes 42 seconds West on and along an Easterly line of said tract 246.40 feet (247.5 feet – deed) to an iron stake found in place and marking a corner thereof; thence North 90 degrees 00 minutes East on and along a Northeasterly line of said tract 59.98 feet (54.5 feet – deed) to a P-K nail set in the center of a County Road; thence South 28 degrees 02 minutes 55 seconds West with said County Road and with the Easterly line of said tract 475.42 feet (418.7 feet – deed) to an iron pin found in place and marking the Northeasterly corner of a 8.38-acre (by deed) tract conveyed from Worley to Poole (recorded July 9, 1973); thence North 71 degrees 19 minutes 20 seconds West on and along the North line of said 8.38 acre tract 931.82 feet (931.1 feet – deed) to an iron pin set and marking the most Northwest corner thereof, said point also being located on the West line of said East half quarter section; thence North 00 degrees 39 minutes 51 seconds East on and along the said West line of said half quarter section and on and along the West line of said 21.14-acre tract 735.00 feet (705.2 feet – deed) to the place of beginning, containing 21.486 acres, more or less.
A part of the East half of the Southeast quarter of Section 9, Township 10 North, Range 3 East of the Second Principal Meridian, Hamblen Township, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows, to-wit:
Commencing at an iron stake found in place and marking the Northwest corner of said East half quarter section; thence South 00 degrees 39 minutes 51 seconds West (assumed bearing) on and along the West line of said half quarter section 511.50 feet (deed and measured distance) to an iron pin found in place and marking the most Northwesterly corner of a 21.14-acre (by deed) tract conveyed from Worley to Poole (recorded July 9, 1973), said point also being the place of beginning of this described tract; thence South 80 degrees 24 minutes 55 seconds East on and along the North line of said tract 542 feet; thence South 00 degrees 30 minutes 51 seconds West 380 feet; thence North 80 degrees 24 minutes 55 seconds West 542 feet to the West line of said half quarter section; thence North 00 degrees 30 minutes 51 sections East on and along the said West line of said half quarter section and on and along the West line of said 21.14-acre tract 380 feet to the place of beginning, containing in said Exception 4.73 acres, more or less.
60052055, 5/13/2020, hspaxlp, 20-83

Notice is hereby given that Stephen V. Miller and Scott Mills have filed with the Area Plan Commission of the County of Brown, Indiana, an application for a primary approval of a subdivision, to wit:
Legal description of premises (see attached).
Applicant is requesting primary approval for Woods Lane Subdivision, a proposed 15 lot major subdivision within the Town of Nashville in Washington Township. The property is located on Woods Lane immediately north of 470 Tuck A Way Ridge Drive, Nashville, IN.
The file on this matter is available for public inspection 10 days prior to the hearing, during the regular working hours at the Brown County Area Plan Commission office in the County Office Building located at 201 Locust Lane Nashville, Indiana.
The Commission will hold a public hearing on May 26, 2020 during a meeting commencing at 6:00 p.m. All interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard in reference to the matters set out in the petition. This notice is being published to notify persons affected by this petition by order of the Area Plan Commission. Written comments regarding the petition, which are filed with the secretary of the Area Plan Commission before the hearing will be considered. The hearing may be continued from time to time. The meeting will be held in the second-floor meeting room of the County Office Building, Nashville, Indiana. If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in the meeting, please contact the Area Plan Commission at (812) 988-5490. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, this meeting may be held remotely using internet and telephone technology. More information is available at
browncounty /planningcommission or by calling 812-988-5490.
Area Plan Commission / Board of Zoning Appeals Secretary Kayla Robertson
Printed Name Kayla Robertson Signature: Kayla Robertson
A part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, and a part of the Southwest quarter of the Northwest quarter of Section 20, all in Township 9 North, Range 3 East, Brown County, Indiana, bounded and described as follows: Commencing 433.00 feet East of the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 19; thence running North 26 degrees East 22.00 feet, and to the Southeast corner of Lot No. 32 in the Coffey Subdivision, said point being the real point of beginning; thence running North 26 degrees East 225.30 feet; thence running North 27 degrees East 767.80 feet; thence running North 86 degrees East 280.40 feet; thence running North 85 degrees 45 minutes East 115.50 feet; thence running North 86 degrees East 371.00 feet; thence running North 06 degrees West 100.00 feet;. thence running South 03 degrees 30 minutes East 49.00 feet and to the center of a roadway easement to be known as Woods Road; thence running on and along the center of said roadway casement the following courses: South 50 degrees 15 minutes West 148.00 feet, South 59 degrees 45 minutes West 134.10 feet, South 46 degrees 45 minutes West 103.50 feet, South 32 degrees West 100.60 feet, South 33 degrees 15 minutes West 131.80 feet, South 42 degrees 30 minutes West 100.00 feet, South 44 degrees 15 minutes West 107.00 feet, South 34 degrees 30 minutes West 110.00 feet, South 25 degrees 45 minutes West 93.00 feet, South 19 degrees 30 minutes West 100.00 feet, and South 18 degrees 45 minutes West 143.00 feet; thence leaving the center of said roadway easement and running South 01 degree West 461.50 feet and to the real point of beginning, containing 10.607 acres, more or less.
Part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 9 North, Range 3 East, Washington Township, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows: Commencing in Snyder County Road at the Southwest corner of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of said Section 19; thence South 88 degrees 22 minutes 11 seconds East (assumed bearing) on and along the South line of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter 430.49 feet to the Southeast corner of Lot No. 32 in Coffey Subdivision as recorded in Miscellaneous Record No. 10, pages 276-277, in the office of the Recorder of Brown County, Indiana, and the point of beginning; thence North 30 degrees 34 minutes 00 seconds East with the East line of said Subdivision 22.85 feet to the Southwest corner of the Galbreath 10.37 acre tract as recorded in Deed Record No. 151, pages 368 369, in the office of the Recorder of Brown County, Indiana; thence South 88 degrees 22 minutes 11 seconds East 492.48 feet to the Southeast corner of said Galbreath tract; thence South 12 degrees 25 minutes 01 second West 20.36 feet to the South line of said Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter; thence North 88 degrees 22 minutes 11 seconds West on and along said South line 499.73 feet to the beginning, containing 0.228 acre, more or less.
Part of the Southeast quarter of the Northeast quarter of Section 19, Township 9 North, Range 3 East, Washington Township, Brown County, Indiana, described as follows: Beginning at the Southeast corner of Lot No, 24 in Coffey Subdivision as recorded in Miscellaneous Record No. 10, pages 276-277, in the office of the Recorder of Brown County, Indiana; thence North 27 degrees 00 minutes East 99.60 feet to the Northeast corner of Lot No. 24 in said Subdivision, also being the Southeast comer of Lot No. 23 in said Subdivision; thence Northeasterly with a ravine 119.00 feet, more or less, to the Northeast corner of said Lot No. 23 in the South line of Lot No. 18 in said Subdivision; thence South 70 degrees 00 minutes East with said South line 38.00 feet to the Southeast comer of said Lot No. 18 in the West line of Lot No. 19 in said Subdivision; thence South 11 degrees 00 minutes West on and along said West line 187.20 feet to the Southwest corner of said Lot No. 19; thence South 85 degrees 45 minutes West 115.50 feet to the beginning, containing 0.357 acre, more or less.
60052053, 5/13/2020, hspaxlp, 20-81

Notice is hereby given that GTE Wireless of the Midwest Incorporated DBA Verizon Wireless, Daniel E. Coots, Agent has filed with the Board of Zoning Appeals of the County of Brown, Indiana, an application for a Special Exception for a Wireless Communication Facility as provided for in the Brown County Zoning Ordinance, to wit:
Legal description of premises: (see attached)
Applicant is requesting a Special Exception for a Wireless Communication Facility. The property is located at 7385 Lick Creek Road in Jackson Township.
The file on this matter is available for public inspection during the regular working hours at the Brown County Area Plan Commission office in the County Office Building, Nashville, Indiana, until two days prior to the hearing date.
A public hearing will be held by the Board on May 27, 2020 during a meeting commencing at 6:00 p.m. All interested persons will be given the opportunity to be heard in reference to the matters set out in the application. This notice is being published to notify persons affected by this application by order of the Area Board of Zoning Appeals. Written comments regarding the petition, which are filed with the secretary of the Area Plan Commission before the hearing, will be considered. The hearing may be continued from time to time. The meeting will be held in the second floor meeting room of the County Office Building located at 201 Locust Lane in Nashville, Indiana. If you have a disability that requires special assistance for your participation in the meeting, please contact the Area Plan Commission office at (812) 988-5490. Due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, this meeting may be held remotely using internet and telephone technology. More information is available at or by calling 812-988-5490.
Area Plan Commission / Board of Zoning Appeals Secretary
Printed Name Kayla Robertson Signature Kayla Robertson
The West half of the Southeast quarter of Section 15, Township 10 North, Range 2 East, EXCEPT THEREFROM THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED TRACT: A part of the Southwest quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 15,Township 10 North, Range 2 East, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the said quarter quarter section; running thence North 37 rods; thence Southeast 40.3 rods to a point on the South one of sald quarter quarter section, 18 rods East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence West 18 rods to the place of beginning, estimated to contain 1.86 acres, more or less. And containing, less said exception, 78.15 acres, more or less.
60052060, 5/13/2020, hspaxlp, 20-85

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Abigail is a Brown County native dedicated to the community in which she has been raised. She joined the Brown County Democrat newsroom in 2019 while studying English at IUPUC, where she graduated in May 2020. After working as the news advertising coordinator for nearly two years, she became reporter in September of 2021. She took over as editor in the fall of 2022.

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