chance for Bicentennial grants

Indiana first lady and Bicentennial Ambassador Karen Pence and other state dignitaries were at Brown County State Park on July 10 to announce opportunities for art grants.

The Indiana Masterpiece grant program is open to 501c3 nonprofit arts organizations and art departments that are part of a college or university. Other organizations may apply if they partner with an arts organization or college or university art department.

Funding will be available for projects occurring between Jan. 1 and Dec. 31, 2016. Projects should “introduce Hoosiers to the best of Indiana’s cultural and artistic legacy through special productions, commissions, exhibitions, performances, and/or artistic celebrations.”

Available funding for this grant program is $5,000 to $20,000 per project. The deadline is Sept. 1.

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Arts in the Parks was the second grant announced. The application deadline is Sept. 9 for organizations and Sept. 14 for individuals.

This program will offer up to $3,000 for art projects to individual artists and nonprofit organizations. The money will fund art projects that “encourage the creation of and public engagement with art about the Indiana state park/forest system.”

More information is posted on the Indiana Arts Commission website at