Club news

Rotary club

Maddie Drew, a Brown County High School senior, will tell about her experiences as a Rotary Youth Exchange student during the 2014-2015 academic year when the Brown County Rotary Club meets at 7:15 a.m. Thursday, Nov. 19, in Nashville’s Artists Colony Inn, 105 S. Van Buren St.

Drew lived with Rotary families in Salina Cruz, Oaxaca, and spoke only in Spanish while attending school. Her credits will transfer to enable her graduation from BCHS next spring. The daughter of Rich and Beth Drew, she was part of a program that Rotary International has sponsored since 1927 to promote goodwill and understanding between countries. Students in the program learn about customs, language, traditions and family life in another country. Last year, more than 8,000 students participated in the Rotary club and district-sponsored exchange program involving several countries.

Literary club

The Nashville Literary Club will meet at 2 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 19, at the home of Carol Routh.

Julia Rose will review “All the Light We Cannot See” by Anthony Doerr.

Members can carpool at 1:40 p.m. from either the east end of the Brown County IGA parking lot or at St. David’s Episcopal Church in Bean Blossom.

Widowed group

The Brown County Widowed Group will meet for a Christmas dinner Friday, Dec. 11, at Sycamore Valley Community Center, 746 Memorial Drive at the fairgrounds. 

The group will sponsor euchre parties at the community center at 1 p.m. Tuesdays, Nov. 24 and Dec. 8.

Any widowed person is welcome. For more information, call Keith Bradway at 812-597-0811.

Star Quilters Guild

COLUMBUS — The Columbus Star Quilters’ Guild will meet Wednesday, Dec. 2, at the Masonic Lodge at 4131 Rocky Ford Road. Doors open at 8:45 a.m. and the meeting begins at 9:15 a.m. All are welcome.

Bring a dish to share for the Christmas potluck luncheon immediately following the meeting. To participate in the Christmas exchange, bring a completed Christmas quilt block.

Psi Iota Xi

The Eta Alpha chapter of Psi Iota Xi in Nashville will celebrate its 50th anniversary Sunday, May 1.

Psi Iota Xi is a philanthropic sorority. All proceeds from fundraising go back to the community to help in art, music, literature, speech and hearing, with most money going to Brown County Schools.

Original members were Maureen Base, Bessie Bressire, Fern Bressire, Pat Bond, Mildred Cutler, Sara Epler, Edith Ginger, Peggy Harden, Virginia Kessler, Alice Ann McDonald, Posey Martz, Jenny Meshberger, Birdie Miller, Kay Miller, Florence Neill, Alice Page, Jeanette Rigley, Bea Seibel, Lillian Snodgrass, Nora Thorsen, Joanne Weddle, Kay Weddle, Wilma Wheeler, Ingelore Welch and Gene Wilson.

About 170 invitations will be sent. All sponsors and honorees will have their names on the program and in other publications. 

Gifts can be made to honor a past or present sorority sister. Donations are available on two levels to help cover the cost of the celebration: A $50 gold level and a $25 turquoise level.

Send contributions to Psi Iota Xi, P.O. Box 39, Nashville, IN 47448.

Local members of Tri Kappa recognized

MITCHELL — Tri Kappa Province III Convention and officer training was conducted Oct. 24 at the Mitchell Church of Christ Family Life Center. The event was hosted by Province Officer Autumn Baughman and members of the Mitchell chapter.

Tri Kappa is a philanthropic organization existing only in Indiana. Membership totals nearly 9,000 in 144 active and 113 associate chapters. Members donate more than $1.5 million every year to endeavors of charity, culture and education within their communities and through state projects.

Officers and members attending from the Brown County Zeta Phi chapter were Phyllis Bond, Joyce Shook, Davida Kean and Brenda Main.

Awards were presented to winners of the fine arts competition. Several members of the Brown County chapter won their division, and their projects will represent Province III at the state convention. They are Karen Kirby in photography; Main in quilts; and Mary Ann Soll in green art. Other awards received by local members include Peg Lindenlaub, second place in photography and third place in jewelry; and Mary Jo Limp, third place in 2-D art.