Letter: Many thanks for support of Goshen Church event

To the editor:

Once again the Goshen Community Church’s holiday bazaar and bean dinner is in the record books. The 10th annual bazaar was a great success. From the looks of things, next year we’ll have to make more of everything — more food, more bake sale items, more crafts.

Ticket sales for the raffle quilt “Everlasting Love” had been very slow, but two weeks leading up to and the day of the bazaar, ticket sales picked up and we exceeded our goal.

The quilt was made by longtime county resident Margi (Derringer) Underwood, now living in Bloomington since the Flood of 2008. The quilt was won by Elmer Schott of Unionville.

We want to thank everyone who helped make this year’s bazaar so successful: all the ladies who made food for our dinner and those who served it; everyone who made home-baked goods and those who made crafts for the bazaar; everyone who helped set up and take down the tables and other props; all of our visitors who return year after year and the new ones who visited for the first time this year.

Most especially, we want to tank Margi Underwood for all her work on the beautiful “Everlasting Love” quilt.

See you next year!

Ruth Fox, Goshen Church

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