Police rescue man from floodwater after vehicle stalls

CAMP ROBERTS — Police rescued a man May 4 after his vehicle stalled in floodwater over State Road 135 South.

Just before 10:30 p.m., police and emergency personnel were dispatched to the first slab on State Road 135 South to assist Byron Eason, 68, of Indianapolis, who was stuck in his 2012 Honda Civic. Eason told police he thought he could make his way through the water, but when he drove deeper into the water, he was unable to back out.

Brown County Reserve Sheriff’s Deputy Mike Fouch walked into the water to assist Eason in getting out of his vehicle, a report from the sheriff’s department states. The two were able to walk back together to dry land.

Nashville Police Officer Michael Williams responded first and reported the water was about two to two-and-a-half feet deep and moving quickly, but the vehicle was not moving, according to dispatch traffic.

Eason was cold and wet after being rescued, but no injuries were reported. He spent the night in a local hotel, the sheriff’s department said.

The vehicle was towed.