Opry lot owner: ‘It’s been an interesting year’

The sign has changed in front of the Little Nashville Opry, but that doesn’t mean anything else has.

The sign that currently hangs in the empty Opry lot. | Brown County Democrat
The sign that currently hangs in the empty Opry lot. | Brown County Democrat

Property owner Scott Wayman said last week that he’d received a letter from the county about the sign being in disrepair. After buying the property in April 2012, he hung banners over the old marquee to herald the Opry’s return “in 2013.”

The date was later painted over, leaving “Watch for our grand opening” and a website, littlenashvilleopry.net.

Storms blew a corner of one of the banners down again during the last week of April, so Wayman cut the website address out of the old sign and pasted it onto the original marquee for now.

The website tells visitors that “plans are currently being finalized to build a new facility on the original site” and to “keep checking back for further information.”

Wayman said last week he doesn’t yet have a building permit. That’s a process he’s been working toward on the state and local levels since he bought the place.

“It’s been an interesting year,” he said. “I keep telling people there’s been a lot of hurdles, but we’re about there.”