Author Q&A: Young author wins writing award

Young writer Zachary Brock credits his grandparents for giving him a love of reading and writing, along with a place to stay when he had nowhere else to go.

The 26-year-old author had his first book, “A Dangerous Discovery,” published this year. Brock dedicated the book to his grandparents, Garland and Zuba Brock.

At age 15, Brock was estranged from his parents. His grandparents took him in, encouraging him to get an education and to read.

He continues to help his grandparents on their farm and now has a relationship with his father, he said.

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“(If they had not encouraged me) I would not have ever thought of writing as a career. My father pushed me to publish, and without him, my book would never have been written. Georgia Leslie helped prepare the manuscript for publication. I cannot say how much I love and appreciate what they have done, and are continuing to do, for me,” Brock said.

“I am humbled by what they sacrifice for me to be a writer. I love them very much.”

Earlier this year, Brock donated signed copies of “A Dangerous Discovery” to a Veterans Affairs hospital where his father was staying.

In October, “A Dangerous Discovery” won the Literary Titan book award, given to “books and authors that have astounded and amazed us with unique writing styles, vivid worlds, complex characters, and original ideas,” the reviewers explained.

Brock is currently working on two other books for the series. He expects them to be released in August 2018. He also is working on another mystery novel.

Brock works as a cook, but he hopes his books do well enough to allow him to write full-time.

Q: In 25 words or fewer, what’s this book about?

A: Unbeknownst to Ace and Zeke, the acquisition of a new company in Peru holds a secret the Vatican does not want discovered. Special agents from the Holy See will do anything to stop this secret from being released.

Q: What inspired you to write it?

A: I had the idea for the characters for a long time, but a story told by my father inspired me to research the circumstances surrounding what happened in South America when Catholicism first arrived on the continent.

Q: What are your connections to Brown County?

A: My family has a long history in Brown County. My great-grandparents, grandparents, father and myself, as well as many other family members, grew up in Brown County and most still live there today.

Q: What’s your writing ritual? In what environment do you work best?

A: I have a designated spot in my home to write. I listen to music when I write, but I like to outline each chapter first and work off those notes. Most of the time, a story will take on its own life. I write at specific times of the day; most of that time is at night. I am a night owl.

Q: What’s the last book you read? Do you have a favorite?

A: I am currently reading “A Consequence of Loyalty” by Trey Stone because he asked me for an honest review of his work. I just finished “SIP” by Brian Allen Carr. I love a good mystery or conspiracy, but James Patterson is one of my favorites, along with many others.

Q: Where can people buy this book, and for how much?

A: The bookstore in Franklin has my book, but you can purchase it on Amazon, at Barnes and Noble and BooksaMillion. It is also available on Nobo, Nook, Kindle and iTunes. It is listed for $14.99 paperback and $6.99 in the eBook format.

Q: Do you have any book signings or related events planned?

A: My publisher is continuing to schedule book signings, but I have a lot of book blog interviews and podcast interviews coming up, so watch out for all of those. I currently do not have the schedule for those at this time.

Q: Anything else you’d like to say that I haven’t asked?

A: I would like everyone to know that they can follow me on Twitter @ZacharyBrock101 and on Facebook at