Letter: Location of new performing arts center ‘troubling’

To the editor:

I was in Nashville for a very pleasant day, as usual. I picked up a copy of the spring Visitors Guide and read the article about the Maple Leaf Performing Arts Center.

Good report by Ms. Couch, but troubling. That facility — its location and the infrastructure it will demand — could signal real problems for Nashville’s continued success, and not just for the Brown County Playhouse.

The location of the arts center presents the same kind of problems that new suburban shopping malls did for Main Street businesses.

It seems to me that the arts center should be supported, but its location, and the impact of its location, needs to be closely reanalyzed.

New investment should always be encouraged, but it should also complement and support an existing economy, not threaten it.

I hope your paper will continue to investigate and report on this set of issues.


Tom Ewing, Cincinnati, Ohio

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