PET TAILS: How often does my dog need a bath?

There are a lot of cute videos on the internet lately of dogs enjoying a relaxing bath. There is a particularly sweet one of a golden retriever lying on his back, covered in soap suds, with a look of contentment.

Most of us know that this is not the way a typical dog bath happens. More often than not, it is a task that both humans and dogs dread.

Baths are important for keeping your dog’s skin and coat healthy. It is also a great time to check your dog for any unusual lumps and bumps, fleas, scratches or other problems that you might see more easily when he is wet and his coat is flat.

The goal is to keep your dog clean and healthy without drying out his skin and without putting either of you under any unnecessary stress.

First, take into account your dog’s breed. Some, like the Samoyed or Alaskan Malamute, have double coats that need less frequent, but more thorough, bathing. Others, like Basset Hounds, have oily coats and may need more frequent baths. Dogs with short coats and normal skin may only need to be bathed every three months. Check with your vet or a licensed groomer to find out what’s appropriate for your dog’s breed.

On top of that, consider activity level. Dogs that spend a lot of time outdoors will likely need to be bathed more often than a dog that spends most of his time on the couch.

Health is a very important factor. Dogs with certain health conditions may need to avoid frequent bathing, while others may have skin allergies or diseases that benefit from regular medicated baths. As always, check with your vet as well so that you’re doing what is necessary for your dog’s health.

If you’re concerned about the proper way to bathe your dog, a trip to a groomer can help. They can either do the work for you, or at least explain what’s best for your dog’s coat and skin so that you’ll know what to do at home.

Every dog is different, but one rule of thumb is: If you can smell him, bathe him. If your dog has rolled in something unpleasant or had a swim in the pond and that smell has stayed with him, it’s pretty safe to say he needs a bath.

— Brown County Humane Society

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Tickets to the 2018 Chocolate Walk on Saturday, Nov. 10 are on sale online.

Cost: $25 (increases to $30 on Nov. 1)

Learn more and buy tickets:


On Tuesday, Sept. 4 from 5 to 7 p.m., bring your dog for a swim in the Brown County State Park pool before it’s closed for the year. Event sponsored by the YMCA.

Cost: $15 per dog, plus a bag of food for the humane society. One dog per person.
