Police blotter for week of Sept. 5

Democrat staff reports

Man charged with drunken driving

A driver who was arrested on State Road 46 East last weekend tested at more than twice the legal limit for alcohol, a police report said.

Charles Schultz, 20, of Indianapolis, was pulled over at about 4 a.m. Aug. 25 on 46 East near Fair Oaks Trail. Indiana State Police Trooper Matthew Hatchett reported that Schultz smelled of alcohol and that he could see containers in his vehicle; and that his speech was slurred, his eyes were red and watery, and his shorts were unbuttoned and around his ankles.

Schultz’s blood-alcohol content measured 0.205 at the scene and 0.194 a half-hour later at the sheriff’s department, the report said. The legal limit is 0.08.

He was charged with three-alcohol related misdemeanors and reckless driving, also a misdemeanor, on Aug. 28.

Woman charged with drunken driving

Police arrested a Columbus woman for drunken driving after stopping her for speeding.

Brown County Deputy William Pool stopped Leslie Guzman, 18, at State Road 46 East and Salt Creek Road. It was 2:18 a.m. on Aug. 25.

Pool wrote that he immediately smelled alcohol coming from the vehicle when he spoke with the driver. She told Pool that she and her passengers had come from a house party in Bloomington and that she was tired.

Guzman blew a 0.085 on a portable breath test, just over the legal limit of 0.08, the report said.

A passenger, who was underage as well, also tested positive for alcohol, the report said. She was cited and released.

Guzman was charged on Aug. 28 with operating while intoxicated, operating while intoxicated with an ACE of 0.08 or more, and illegal possession of an alcoholic beverage, all Class C misdemeanors.