Letter: Voter registration and turnout: ‘We can do better’

To the editor:

National Voter Registration Day is Sept. 25.

In the primary election 2016, Indiana ranked 38th in voter turnout. Only 48 percent of those registered voted. We can do better!

Every year, millions find themselves unable to vote. Don’t let that be you! Make sure you register by Oct. 9. Go online to check your registration or update it if something has changed. It’s easy.

On a smartphone, go to your app or play store, search for “Indiana Voters” and download. On a computer, go to Indiana Voters.IN.gov. Register, check your registration, find your polling place, get a sample ballot.

National Voter Registration Day is a national holiday started in 2012. Why? To help make sure everyone has the opportunity to vote.

On Tuesday, Sept. 25, the Brown County Public Library will be helping people register to vote and the League of Women Voters will be registering voters at Brown County High School.

Why is voting important? Do you care about health care? College tuition? The air we breathe? The roads? Taxes? Then be a voter. We can do better!

Important dates:

Register to vote by Oct. 9.

Early voting is Oct. 10 to Nov. 5, in person at the County Office Building, 201 Locust Lane, Nashville. Monday to Friday hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., except Monday, Nov. 5 which is 8 a.m. to noon. Two Saturdays are also open for early in-person voting from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Oct. 27 and Nov. 3.

Absentee ballots are due Oct. 29. Absentee ballots are available if you are 65 or older, if you cannot get to the polls during polling hours of 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Nov. 6, you have a disability, and more. To request an absentee ballot or see if you are eligible, you may go online to IndianaVoters.IN.gov or call the Brown County clerk’s office at 812-988-5510.

Not sure who to vote for? We can help. Hear from the candidates. Attend the League of Women Voters’ candidate forums, 6:30 p.m., at the County Office Building, 201 Locust Lane, Oct. 2, 3 and 4. For more information, visit the League of Women Voters Brown County website, lwvbrowncounty.org.

And watch for the Brown County Democrat insert with candidate replies to questions submitted by LWVBC, to be published the week of Sept. 26.

Make a pledge to vote. It’s your right. It’s your responsibility. Let’s make Indiana No. 1 in voter turnout.

Shari Frank, League of Women Voters Brown County president

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