Letter: ‘He has my support. He deserves yours.’


To the editor:

Time flies at my age! It’s almost four years since we chose Ted Adams to be our prosecuting attorney. I had the privilege of working with Ted as his first deputy for the first two years of his service to the county. Prior to taking that position, I knew Ted’s reputation as a skilled trial lawyer. Working with him, I soon learned that his expertise in court was only one of his qualities that make him a great prosecutor.

Ted Adams is a diligent public servant. He gives up weekends with his family to help the police get search and arrest warrants. Fueled with Diet Mountain Dew and peanut butter crackers, he puts in 18-hour days for trial preparation. He has enthusiasm for the many challenges of his job.

Ted Adams has a very real sense of justice. Prosecuting attorneys are not just lawyers for the state. They have judicial discretion to exercise the power of the state in a fair and even-handed way. Ted spends a large part of his work day studying the facts of cases, listening to victims, reading police reports and talking with investigators. He discusses the evidence of cases with the lawyers and laypersons in his office. No case is ever filed, settled or pleaded casually.

Ted has proven himself both in court and in the community. He has my support. He deserves yours.

James T. Roberts, attorney at law

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