Honoring those who served: Veterans Day program brings community together

Local veterans were honored on Nov. 9 during Brown County Schools’ Veterans Day program at the Larry C. Banks Memorial Gymnasium.

Commander Keith Baker with the United States Navy was this year’s keynote speaker.

Baker spoke about his time flying airplanes for the Navy and encouraged the students in attendance to serve their community as well. “Realize how good it feels to help somebody else,” Baker said.

He also recognized many local veterans in the audience and had them stand to reaffirm their service to their country.

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“You will find some people in the community who you didn’t know were veterans,” Baker said.

Local Boy Scouts did the posting of colors following Superintendent Laura Hammack’s opening remarks.

The Brown County junior high and high school choirs performed “The Star Spangled Banner” together. Later in the program, Brown County High School students Josiah Drew and Heather Pritchard performed “God Bless the USA” with help from the high school’s jazz band.

The high school’s wind ensemble, choir and junior high choir all performed “Armed Forces: The Pride of America” where veterans would stand for recognition during the different service songs.

The high school show choir Rhapsody performed “America the Beautiful.”

Visitors, honored guests and widows of veterans were also recognized throughout the program.

Indiana State Representative Chris May, R-Bedford, also made remarks.

VFW Post 6195 presented the winners of the Voice of Democracy and Patriot’s Pen essay contests. Brown County High School junior Tanner Bowman won the Voice of Democracy contest. He read his essay about why voting matters.

Brown County Junior High School student Lexie Austin won the Patriot’s Pen contest with her essay about why she honors the American flag.

VFW Post Commander Don Birden and member Bill Hamilton presented awards to the winners of the contests, along with the VFW teacher of the year award to high school teacher Emily Lewellen.

Brown County High School students who have enlisted were also recognized during the program. Alex Haywood, Jaylen Lucas, Robert Perry and Christopher Ratzburg will serve with the United States Marine Corps. Joshua Parry will serve with the Indiana National Guard.

The Brown County High School History Club presented their documentary commemorating the 100th year anniversary of the ending of World War I and the beginning of celebrating Veterans Day. The students interviewed active and non-active local veterans about why they decided to serve their country.