Fine print: Criminal court Nov. 8-15

New charges filed

Nov. 15

Clinton Stevens, check deception, Class A misdemeanor

Julie Proctor, forgery, Level 6 felony

Christina Williams, dealing in methamphetamine, Level 4 felony


Nov. 9

Emmett Smith, conversion, Class A misdemeanor; 365 days in Brown County jail/Brown County Community Corrections with 20 days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for 10 actual days. Consecutive to 18CM0374. Concurrent to 18CM0419. Probation for 345 days (aggregate 688 days) with special conditions. Restitution to EZ Pawn Store 90106 in the sum of $80. Restitution hearing regarding Richard Hedrick set on Jan. 28, 2019, at 3 p.m.; $186 fine and total court costs. Heard with 18CM0374 and 18CM0419.

Emmett Smith, invasion of privacy, Class A misdemeanor; 365 days BCJ/BCCC with 22 days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for 11 actual days. Consecutive to 17CM0744. Concurrent to 18CM0419. Probation for 343 days (aggregate 688 days) with special conditions. Restitution to EZ Pawn Store 90106 in the sum of $80. Restitution hearing regarding Richard Hedrick set on Jan. 28, 2019, at 3 p.m.; $186 fine and total court costs. Heard with 17CM0744 and 18CM0419.

Emmett Smith, theft, Class A misdemeanor; remaining count dismissed; 365 days BCJ, all suspended. Concurrent to 17CM0744 and 18CM0374. Probation for 365 days with special conditions. Restitution to EZ Pawn Store 90106 in the sum of $80. Restitution hearing regarding Richard Hedrick set on Jan. 28, 2019, at 3 p.m.; $186 fine and total court costs. Heard with 17CM0744 and 18CM0374.

Nov. 13

Samuel L. Martin, maintaining a common nuisance — controlled substances, Level 6 felony; remaining count dismissed; 365 days in BCJ with 12 days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for six actual days. Consecutive to Monroe County cases, 53C05-1803-CM-581 and 53C05-1803-CM-580. Credit for six actual days. Probation for 353 days, commencing Nov. 5, to include special conditions: 40 hours of community service; submit to alcohol or substance abuse evaluation or continue with Monroe County service; and submit to DNA testing. Conviction to be entered as Class A misdemeanor upon defendant’s completion of probation including compliance with all special/standard terms of probation and no new offenses; $1 fine, $225 total court costs.

Cody Murphy, unlawful use of 911 service, Class A misdemeanor; remaining counts dismissed; 180 days in BCJ/BCCC with two days executed. Credit for one actual day. Probation for 178 days commencing Nov. 5 to include special conditions of: 24 hours of community service. Probation may terminate early if in compliance; $1 fine, $186 total court costs.

Nov. 14

Nicholas Jones, theft, Level 6 felony; two counts of synthetic identity deception, Level 6 felonies. On each count: 910 days in BCJ/BCCC with 284 days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for 142 actual days. Probation for 626 days to begin consecutive to probation in Bartholomew County 03C01-1803-F6-1228. Each count shall run concurrently to each other. Sentence is consecutive to 03C01-1803-F6-1228. Terms of probation to include 50 hours of community service, DNA testing and restitution. Restitution hearing set for Jan. 15, 2019, at 11:30 a.m.; $186 fine and total court costs.

Pre-trial diversion

Nov. 8

Shane Fike, possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor

Sierra Roberts, possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor; possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

Aaron Shaffer, two counts of domestic battery resulting in moderate bodily injury, Level 6 felonies; disorderly conduct, Class B misdemeanor

Nov. 14

Zakkery Thompson, possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor

Dismissed cases

Nov. 9

Emmett Smith, invasion of privacy, Class A misdemeanor

Nov. 15

Lindy Pearson, auto theft, Level 6 felony

Jeremy Denny, possession of marijuana, Class B misdemeanor; possession of paraphernalia, Class C misdemeanor

Jeremiah Fox, domestic battery, Class A misdemeanor