Letters to Santa: Sprunica Elementary School

Do you make toys too? How old are you? Do you have talking dogs in the North Pole? How was your summer?

Those are just a few of the questions Brown County first-grade students had in their letters to Santa ahead of Christmas Day.

The students wrote letters to Santa telling him about their families and what they want for Christmas. Some students also asked Santa to bring gifts for friends or other family members.

We present these letters unedited and uncorrected to celebrate our kids being themselves.

Connie Darling's first-grade class at Sprunica Elementary School. Not pictured: Peyton Baldwin and Phebe Farabaugh
Connie Darling’s first-grade class at Sprunica Elementary School. Not pictured: Peyton Baldwin and Phebe Farabaugh

Connie Darling’s first-grade class

Dear Sat,

Wut is your farte ec? Had I your rader becom to fliy? Is the north pol cod? Do you ic the North Pole? Hol rou you cwag Do you like the eric? Do you lic for rades? Thank you for the mocnch. Will you git my grandmal an xbox? Will you get my grandmal a tevery upstairs. Will you give me a sote. Will you give me a red rider bebe gunbecause its my favorite because its real cool. I want a niw bik because foyran cul. Can it be a giste and fowiller and a cocroi and gadran da se wil ranad gjocrt.

Love, Timber

Dear Santa,

My name is Kaleb Cobb. I am 7 years old. I have 9 people in my famle. I like to ras drt biks. I go to Sprnica. I like to be at skl. It is fun at skl. Well thanks Hov bit tird? But I am okay with it. I no it is going in the koos papr. My tefr is making us do this. It is hard. How r the randeer Thank you for giving my famle a hapa gratin I was umasd. It was fun and eding kand and the bic dinusr. I lik it.Ples bring som mads for hbr because she back ant it hits a rad ridr BB gun because I have wanted it sins i wave 2.

Love, Kaleb

Dear Santa,

My nam Jaslyn. I m 6. I lik to pla sajax. I go to Sprunica. How are our elfs? How do you maka baby. Jasliegh wants a sfen maldeg. I want a know set because Iik nos. I w.ant a doll becaus I love dols

Love, Jaclyn

Dear Santa,

My nam is Isabel. I am 6 pepol in my family. I lik to swemmea I go to Sprunica What bo you bo in the north pul? Haw colbu How bus roofbof flia? Is it? Do you like youru job? Thank you for a baby sat. I liket it bedus I like baby dols. Kayla wuns lekhrane because I luve Kayla. I wont a baby alive because I like it and an bed set bekus I unt too mak braswas for my friends.

Love, Isabel

Dear Santa,

I am 7 ys old. Dot the elf says fuff like the thing thit. I have 6 pleple in my fimle. My fvafrit sport is basketball and my fvafrit game is furt nit. I go to Sprunica. Do you have 10000 elfs. What about your raier dueing today. And I wont a jit note ples? How klbis it santa how is the north pole doing. Do you like your job. Are your elffs. So some small? O ou frid with the gich. Tack your for the pop a chrl set. Me am so thankful. Ples get my dad a nascr becoes he rile likes nascrs if you do git him jime josis becose he rile liks him he rile lies thim ole rile and I wont a himstr ples Our lizrd please and git my sistr a boo pleas? And git my mom a new bed ples?

Love, Logan

Dear Santa,

My name is Brayden. I am 8 years old. I have 8 brothers in my family. My favite spot is baketball. I go to Sprunica Elementary. How are your elf doing well? How are your reindeers smart? How is the north pole doing santa how do diever prezitn so fast and qweikle and so aieik and sneke? How are you ro rar and whom? Thank you for the nerf gun set. I like it because youare a good man. Plaese get my mom a nintendo swith because back in the old days. I whant a pant ball bun because they are coole I whant a biBie gun because it is cool.

Love, Braydon

Dear Santa,

My name is Roan. I am 8 years old. I have 5 peple in y family. I like to play fort nite. Y school is Sprunica Elementary. Are your elfes doing well? Are your raindeer smart? Do your raindeer like to play in the snow? How did you become so rare? Thank you for last years paw patrol advent calendar. I liked my advent caleder because it has lot of cool saprises. Corbin wants nerf guns because he likes playing with them. I want a xoo met hunbry bunny. Because they are cute and they can realy chew I want a zoomer play far pet because it is cool and it can do tricks.

Love, Roan

Dear Santa,

My name is Ava. I will play outside. I a for you. I am 6and shoe plse I like krot bol. I go to Sprunica. How do your reindeer fly? How do you not be so cold? Thank you for my four wheeler. My mom wants a coffee robot that cleans her car. I want hea codt that is hart and a baby.

Love, Ava

Dear Santa,

My nam is Phebe. I am 6. I have 3 pepol in my famule. I like swimming I go to Sprunica Elementary. How did you becum santa? How are the reindeer dowing? How cold is it in the north pole? Is your job big? Thank you for my tiny wig. I lic my titey becus you broading it. Ples will you git erings for my mom becus I luv her. Ples can i have a owlg sprigo because I lic im. I want a popo bog because it lie it

Love, Phebe

Dear Santa,

M name is Dalton. I am 7. I have 5 people and 2 dogs an 2 cats with macs 9. I like to play. Sprunica. How did you become santa? I am bi in now hows. Did your raindeer arle run to fix how could it is at the north pole. How are your doing at your job . Thanks you for the slim set. I ike it because I like to make slim. Please give Laleb a red rider B-B bun. I want a huver boarde and a crone because i like it.

Love, Dalton

Dear Santa,

Can you give Joline a Scooby Doo cit because she love Scooby Do. I want a covr set. I want cry baby.

Love, Nakia

Dear Santa,

My name is Aubree.

I am 6 years old. I ahve 5 people in my family. I like bag bow. I go to Sprunica. Do you it us? How are your raindeers? Is the north pole cold? Do you like the north pole? How are your majk. Thank you fure the bik. I got becks I want one. Please give Shawnalee a hamster becauses he wants a hamster. I want baby alive because low kul. I want a jojo bow and a jojo dow because my mom dosnt lot jojo.

Love, Aubree

Dear Santa,

What is your name? What use Mrs. Clalus doing? How do you raindeer fly? How do you know how to get in hasiss? How do you say fly? I would want the north pole? I would want what you do. I wonder what how you stay awake? How is your job going? Thank you for the lol sprsi. I like the lol bis spris. I like the slim. Please bring a lol bgr srus for Aubree. Please bring me a lo spris. Pleae bring me a lol hayse oldt. Pleae bring Aubree a lol glamsery. I want a lol glam bekus I like it. I want a lol sitss bekuse I liek lol’s. I want lol everything.

Love, Shawnalee

Dear Santa,

My name is Kennedy. I am six years old. I have 4 peopol in my family. I like gnasticks. I go to school at Sprunica. How are your reindeer? What is gowing on at the North Pole? What is your job at the North Pole? Thank you for getting me a hachmils set. I like my hachmals because they are cute. Please get my baby sister a pj mask set because she like pj mask. I whant a fegaleinger and a keychain spweshe because I like them a lot.

Love, Kennedy

Dear Santa,

My name is Hunter. I am 6 years old. I have 9 people in my fame. I like to play basketball. I go to Sprunica Elementary. How are your rades. Do ea is wun raindeer sak? Is the north pole krod? Do you like your job. Thank you for my nerf gun. I like my nerf gun bekaus i can shoot it. Santa please give markie a PS4 games because Markie really likes PS4s. I wut a hth do sich I want a pig because I like pigs.

Love, Hunter

Dear Santa,

My name s Owen. I 7yres old. I have 5 people in my family My favorite jat pak. I go to Sprunica. How are your raindeer? How may raindeer do you have? How is the North Pole. What are your jobs? Thank you for the bieke. I really like the bike. I wnt Jake to have a bbgun. He likes guns. I want our to bring my a bbgun because they are cool. I want a power ranger mast because they are awesome.

Love, Owen

Dear Santa,

My name is Daisy. I am 6. I have 3 pepl in my famila. I lik to play bsket ball. I go to Spruncia,.How did you become Santa? How do your fly raindeer? Santa how does your sla fly? Thanks you for my little hatchimal. I like them becase they are. I can hach them. Pleae give Isabel robot cats because she loves them. I want a deed set because I want to make a bralits.

Love, Daisy

Dear Santa,

My name is Landon. I am sik years old. I have 3 pitt bulls. I like to look for tree frogs. I do like to pley sopus. Santa, wut do you feed the reindeer? Hoy muth reindeers do you have? I wunt a mote kuntrel snacke for Christmas. And a mote kuntral lizrd because I never had own. I wunt you to git my mom a snak and a lizrd for Christmas.

Love, Landon

Dear Santa,

My name is Anna May. Am 6 years old. I have 1 chidren, 1 dogs, and 2 cat. Peale the is do. I like to plae. Thank you for my little ponies. Can you breg Mrs. Riebl a beautiful dress? Please bring me smu my little ponies for Christmas. Thank you Santa.

Love, Anna May

Dear Santa,

My name is Cole. My age is six. I have 5 people and a dog in my famle. I like to play baskit ball. I like to go to Sprunica. Woe is your favorite ellef? Eat is robus favrit food? How coold is the noth pool? Is your job hrde? How are you so whar? Dos your job iclud snow? Theck you for gitting me a red ritr bebe gun. I like the red ritr bebe gun beckus I can sut it so such. Please get my cousin a x bux 1x bekus he liks gams. Ples get my dad a tratr bekus I love him. Ples get my cusin else crle bekus I like her so mucg. I wat a pat ball gon bekus I like to make tor qis and hok thim uvr. I wot a drun bekus it is osum. I wot a for wile bekus it is coll.

Love, Cole

Dear Santa,

My name is Peyton. I am 6 years old. I am a twin. I like to help mom vacyom. I love you! Waht do you want for Christmas? How are your elves? Do you like the Grinch? Thank you for my remot control truk. I like it becas it is cool and my fravit color! Please bring my mom a snow globe becas she like it. Fitbit becas I whant to keep track of my time.

Love, Peyton

Dear Santa,

My name is Nolan. I am 6. I have 2 pepl in my home. I like to play baskit ball. I got to Srinike. How did bekm Santa? How did your Rand’s lrn hot to fly? How cold is the Noth Pole? How did you lrn magic? Thanc you for the IWE SRD beces it lits up. Ples giv my mom a candy beces she rele likes candys. I went a mot canchol car.

Love, Nolan

Dear Santa,

My name is Alea. I me 6. I hav 11 pepl in my famle. Gnaxs a be bas a be nig wre. I go to Sprunica. Wut is ro favrit Elf? Is sbrcl beei nud is it nis? Do you like the santa’s job. Wut do you do all day. I fac you frv love. Madi is my favit fen. I wot a lil. I wot a crisms fegr leg becus i lic an lol tisit pet.

Love, Alea

Julia Riebl's first-grade class at Sprunica Elementary School. Not pictured: Aiden Haywood and Brittney Smith
Julia Riebl’s first-grade class at Sprunica Elementary School. Not pictured: Aiden Haywood and Brittney Smith

Julia Riebl’s first-grade class

Dear Santa,

My name is Brittney. I Am 7 yers old and I like to dol a pishr and pate. and I like to play whith toys. and when I go to shool. at shool I’m an in Sprunica. Haw are you. How is Mrs Clause. I Hop you wote wrckhrd. I got a chlocklit chip I like to eat than. thank you! My sister need a cadee and patse to get to pate she likes to eat cadee and she like to pate I whot tor chrmismis I whot paw ptrl toys beccus I whot to play

Love, Brittney

Dear Santa,

My name is Daisy. i Mi 6 and a haf i hae oun sistr she is toow yels i have a Dad and Mom. My farit is gasckis. Dos Mrs. Chuse sing? I Now That yor Bising I Now one Thang That you Dliver Prist. I love your raDyy, wawt is yonr nathr goB? Will you tall Me ples? thack you for The Prasti. a Alayah wot a rel fon forl crismis I wot for crismis Ples is it is a Dasc and Macop Ples. Now Ples.

Love, Daisy

Dear Santa,

My name is Alayah. I’m 6. I have a sister, mom, and Dad. I Live in Mortin Mriye Rod. My favorite hobbie is movis. My favorite sport is tobling. I goow to Sprunica School. How are you doing? Do you lick Mrs. Clauses coces? How are your Reindeer? How are your elves, ok? Thank you for my iPod. elfe tocktas peckshr of me eslef. I yossiy ons in a wiyoll. Lainy wont a Lots of LOL dols. She needs it bey coss she Has non. olF rele wont is Bostr My cat to coom back or a hou cat. and Ben to stup skaraching me. and oy to let Me holp her.

Love, Alayah

Dear Santa,

My name is Rylee. I am 7 years old. I have 2 brothers a mom and dad. I live in Ashville indeaNa. I like to play my tablet. My favorite sport is tumbiling. I go to Sprunica. are the elves busy? how are the reindeer? how are your jobs? i know that one is to deliver the persnets and to tell the elves what to do. am i on the nice list this year? does Mrs Clause like it at the north Pole? Thank you for my tablet for Christmas. I like it becuase it has fun games. Please give aiden baldis basies stuff becuase he loves baldis basics. I would like an lol doll i want it becuase i don’t have one and i like them.

Love, Rylee

Dear Santa,

My Name is Ellie I Am 6 wes WoD 2 sisters iN aND A MaND DaD my SidRsNoP Addy aNd Ember. My my fAb it sfo isg iNas it my is Nashfil DaDu. Los Lic it uAu Nthe Nor BNu? Is zzi Beu woucADaNisuis. WRc I ugrloD? AMI uoN the Nisuis gag yfeu the Elf oN the Sef she Botme u tAEAf o the sen I Love it. My mom wut A Bac U I we a use you. I wuts sum fing fust A LOL DlS a NoM o u NaDn Plzeh uNd Mou malr I aN DMoulDL Lif Peu and u Lor u MorP AND OLu the ros I gtueLig Busus SiNu,

Love, Ellie

Dear Santa,

My name is Ava. I b Uvls 16. I lis goen to eat deth. Mi Scl is Sprunica elMethle. Spnrt is slrRBul. How ane Fou.? am I on the niLs. ral Im on the bad lest Santa.? I wel wev at cuces.? Ha is mischuse.? Thocehs ecus I olfs wuD thocehs. I oLes wub thoce hsbos bac you. Alexis wuts iPod. I wuts loscedes. oso I wuts bobedos. oso I wuts bobedos. I wuts hedFos. I wuts stuff amLs. I wuts pLedos. I owes I wuts scuntes. I wuts a eFs. I wuts a tapet.

Love, Ava U.

Dear Santa,

My name is gadriella I em at stoodin in 1st grade I have 2 Bruthrrss and 1 stisth Loke is 17 isik is 1 Heyis miy Litl Bath miy stistr is 3 yivsoov sentu i Hav a gestntin how mening elth Doo you Hav a lot uth How meney elths doow you Haths? emiy on the nethee list? i Lick miy stuth emll i Lick miy dol Santu i wow lick i you gat miy babe brutha cor and and you git meya and miy sisee and me booth munt the sam thing santa we booth munt a Hachmoow a Hachmaaw is miy rathrrit mik sistrs thrathrit is pop troow viteethooth and i munt a LOL big boxes i lik to sey teem cinlg

Love, Gabriella.

Dear Santa,

Min Aw is George. I am 7 jerz oLD. I hAv 8 PPepoL Liv WI tAuLe. I Liv i vi brown cAae. I Lic jlaLen and I go to SPrunica. I LiG Wocej Bac. I WDr haw uor yoo Dooer haw wey prsis Doo yoo hay. I wi ley cges auD nit. auD carn For raDer. I WWDr Haw yoo oour Dooe. I word hawv our yoo? Dooe. We wnL av soLc? Fou I A Hisanta? I wuDr Faw yoo santa? Gase wos A nuzR Bee Becuz he Lic to RiDer. I wor A RaBet Becuz I wot sowe to Luz. I Wat to see vor sa. I hop vow Lic these Leor. I hope yoo ocr havev A ar Ati wouD I WiL hvA fPAtIm

Luv, George

Dear Santa,

My name is Aiden I! hAf 19 PeP in My FAMele! i Go to SpRuNicA! AnD i Wisr you nAvA Godk! AnD inAs 1 Dotnet! You Are the Best Santa in the noth i WeD! AnD crr you BeG me! iG i AM on the GoD List! AnD thet you fou the BiG BAD KeV! Rylee Wos siM soPs to Mek SLiM A Wot i wnt A biG V bot i wot it hAst to Bee BiG AnD Rylee Wst lol SpisBs Sn WS the SliM Bee Ks lsn Love the Sim AnD sr WosD The lol SPis Dos Be KS Sn Loves the Dos

Love, Aiden

Dear SaNta,

My NaMa is LaiNy. i am 6 yeRs oLD. I am iN SPRuNica. i Hav 1 sistR. i Hav to moms aND to DaDs you RaD Bise aND Mi sort is soKRri wut RaeF you Docc? is the eLFs r is? So is Mis. Kclof i NoW? I DO Not No wut you Do. Will i No. that you put 1 pResiN. unDR thanke Ql FoR the GiFt FRuM Last yRR. i wuNt a LOL DoL. u Lours a LOL DOLS. Be kus i Luv Hum Hiy SatNa. My sistR waNs a FoM. that wRcs. A ReLL FoN. anD she waNs a LOL DoLL. She wNs thaM Both. i wuNt a LoL DoL to. anD a FoN to. i wuNt you to Git it. anD a jojo Bow to.

LovE, LaiNy

Dear Santa,

My NaMe is Braxton I yot a and I yot a Play and I sPrnica and I yot a rasKon I hav 5 sPe in My fam hav I be gob are Mon hil are You doEn today? I sadi hiy to your as do and hill is mrckos hill are you roof Chase yos a hoRvoe boKos he lik Varn yos! A top he lik vnm tov bRikSat! Tobot he ik fiER. a ho vavob I lik a uoob I love u I wot boa soa Ep

Love, Braxton

Dear Santa,

gfd morning how are you? I like a cad Power rreWieR for Cristmus. Do yvo want ice cream or cotton candy. Why did you giv the good cids coal? Why did the grench hate Cristmus? Why do You hv soo mrch so?

Thank you, Maccoy

Dear Santa,

My name is Klay. I Liv ni brarn cawkole. I hav 3 bruthrs anb 3 sirs I uam 7 Yis olb. I like football I Go to SPrunica. I wut IrmAn and Spirmen? nAw Are the eFs Santa? Sante Am i no tha? Nobe list pis list hAw Are the rAber Santa. thank you for IrmA bu I love I rmabudenus I sel A mAn Wish Red bud. Aiden wut batman kacs. Bkus Aibe liks m. I wut IrmAb and SBrnrmeb. I wut pAwin thim

Luv, Klay

Dear Santa,

My name is ChAse and I am six almost 7. What are the reindeers up to? are they working hard like you? and Im wondering what Mrs. Clsud id up to and the elvs? are they makeing toys? and I No that you have a Long Long list. Please give my best Friend Maccoy a Power ranger thing but I do not no the rest! and what I want For Christmas I want a be be gun and I want some sliPPers and same candy cains! and thank you for what you Gave me last year. and I Rilly liked that imPey three Player. and I wish that I get the Chacklire tols in my stocking like last year that I can eat.

Love, ChAse M.

Dear SANtA,

My NaMe is KAYlYNN I LiD iN NAf i I nau 5 PePf iN my FAf we my spois sps spuc I LiK to PAT noN my Apat How Aru yow is the Rabebr safe ok? roA yoW ruA grtow Mag. toMi nAs I Lik my pesit ucus it rAF stgrs. Sose wus Fo ciMis is LoL Bcus. Ar Lis PayiNg the wiF Thun and yow cANCAecoe I wuT Fo SiMis is a FiNggrNLiNg Bcus it can toc to my.

LuvE, KAylyNN

Dear SaNtA

I Now your bIse But I Wnt to thLL you ubot Me FaMLe I hve 2 BRuthes thaR NaMs aRe jaxoaN KELXON aNd. Ha aRe aNa aNd I am 6 aNd I pay cheas aNd HoW aRe you? Are the elvse? Is misis clas HapE ubat the Noth PooE ThaNk you FoR Me Sitt MoSopRsa shiNa Alac 1 liked be kus i caN Blola tRack a NaL BRAXTON RANe Bust FoR BRAXTON Na FoRM I wut a Blast RaNa the 10 is aN the lagyR RePRide. aNd oso Wckooe ForM. BRAXtoN wos A gAM toy aNd I wuNt A thoMas ckoao aNd A BlAstR.


Dear Santa,

My NaMe is Chase I Gow To sprynica? eslloMacre i LoVe U SanTashaw ru DoWeN ba Wruur aN perDo WeN i hav 12 Peepel iN My Famie i Liv iN BrawN CawNe? i howMpur aND LiVer The preseNts? Haw do juo thank u Fur The HoverBurk i Love eT Bks iT is FuN My Bruxton wunt a plplastasher 4? FutcnresMis Beus He seD Becus THseD Tha r FuN to play a NDHe WuN Tsa toy DrTBi BiB set aND HiNuNT a robot anD i wuND a wuNteN Fur creDmat Bks Thar Fun toriD aND a jieNT JroN aND suMu Thar ThaNGs.

Love, Chase

Dear Santa,

My Name is Tristan I am 7 uers olb I Have 1 BroTher and 1 Sisters I Have 5 Dogs My favrit Sport is FootBall I ive in Nasvil eaDaNue. I like to Woche Movies. How are your are your elves busy I hope you are safe? is Mrs. Chuse ok at The NorTh Pole? is it colD SanTa? NhuT is your yvR job? ToiBLite I LiRe it Because It is The Best Because I Plas it All The Time. Ples Breing HonteraTuDle. For ChiMus He likes TuDLe. AloParorgens an. ackaDooy Hat I wunt Thme Because I NeD ThMe Mecuse My Pans are BeDingsMolRe.

Love, TristaN

Dear Sarta,

My nawe si LogAN I My savin. Si i Lik to rid My Raygik and play My GAM. My Favrit FooD is CiNkN and I My rilD reskcDKL i Mkill. WtDo the rANDer DreK AoF tat I AM trarkful for the Nerf Gon LISt KriMis I Des PLAW its it tok you Mi gisr wDLik A syyg tye Bkos Lov tmor bree. I wet A toetrok AND A. Moostr trok toe BKoSI Dot H. U ure Mots tyo

Love, Logan

Dear Santa,

My name is Alexis I am 7. I have owe brother I have a mom and a dad I live in ninvu indeanue My faveve. Sport is bascitball. My school is sprunica. is Mrs Clause tierd on Christmas? do you just make toys? is it vier clood in the north pole? Thank you for the fingrling becasces it makes funyy nosis but I still like it. Daisy wuts raboe slime. becasues it’s stiky. and my bruther wuts. Transformer. his name Corbin and he Loves Transformer. Kaylynn wut’s to have all the rowbow the live all the. coallers

Love, Alexis

Dear Santu,

I like Rudolph the dear. Bekos I wunt to flie with him. I like his red nose. I like Rudolph bekus he saf kistmis. And I like danser. He puls the sled. And they love kerrits. Hi Santa and Mrs. Clause how are the randears. Are they ready to fly?

From, Devon

Dear Santa,

I want the books No, David! And Hansel and Gretel for Christmas.

Love, Jax

Dear Santa,

hia my man si Paige I m 7 ni A haf to I naf 3 Budan my set is Bigtn. Im ni Spruingca to nAL Rou you doing? I hep the eLv Rou? I like the geF Bequs ti can soen ni. teh sej to I Plea weth ti si the BestoL evR to I wut A LOL nAtR nAchmLN to. I cet to geAntntR. Wun Thek you KAyLynn wus A LOL DoL to! Ns A LOL Pet to. KAyLynn wut A BNe teset to. I cet wet to go I wut A LOL DoL to ns I wut si A Boe BoL to. Becu I wut et si nis to.

Lvoe, Paige