Letters to Santa: Van Buren Elementary School

Do you make toys too? How old are you? Do you have talking dogs in the North Pole? How was your summer?

Those are just a few of the questions Brown County first-grade students had in their letters to Santa ahead of Christmas Day.

The students wrote letters to Santa telling him about their families and what they want for Christmas. Some students also asked Santa to bring gifts for friends or other family members.

We present these letters unedited and uncorrected to celebrate our kids being themselves.

Alyssa Daffron's first-grade class at Van Buren Elementary School. 
Alyssa Daffron’s first-grade class at Van Buren Elementary School.

Alyssa Daffron’s first-grade class

Dear Santa,

My name is Parker Allison. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren elementary school in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

Do you make toys too? How do your reindeer fly?

Thank you for the car gun I really liked it because everyone played with it

Please bring Alexis a BarBee buces she is a gril. Please bring me a tablet because I don’t have one. Please be safe.

With love, Parker Allison

Dear Santa,

I am 7 years old. My name is Kristin Evans. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

How do your reindeer fly? What are your favorite cookies?

Thank you for the Hatchemale last year. I really loved it because I thik it is cute.

Please bring Aunt BB a new pire of house showes because she does not have some. Please bring me a little live pet because I love them.

Have fun on your trip.

Your friend, Kristin Evans

Dear Santa,

My name is Jaxson Burris. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

How are you? Do you like cookies?

Thank you for the car last year I really liked it because it was cool. Please bring Isaacc Pokemomn kards because he neds some.

Please bring me a wolvion costom because I have one.

Have fun on your trip.

With love, Jaxon Burris

Dear Santa,

My name is Olivia Bowling. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

Do you make toys too? How do your reindeer fly?

Thank you for the Hachuml last year. I really liked it because it made muwzik.

Please bring my Grama Jode a dog bed because she needs a new dog bed.

Please bring me an ulekchrik because it makes mausic.

I hope the reindeer are ready.

Your friend, Olivia Bowling

Dear Santa,

My name is Aubrey Lambert. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

Do you like kookies? Do you make toys too?

Thank you for the sim kis last year. I really liked it. Please bring me a new ceudr becus min is bocin. I play with it. Please bring Katie a new PuPe.

Please be safe.

Your friend, Aubrey Lambert

Dear Santa,

My name is Madelyn George. I am 7 years old. I am a first grader at Van Ben Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

How old are you? What is your favorite color?

Thank you for the Hachamal last year. I really liked it because it was fun to play with!!!!

Please bring Peter a new toy truck because he liks to play with truks. Pleese bring me a suggy doggie. I really want it because I really think I would like it.

Have fun on your trip Santa.

Sincerely, Madelyn George

Dear Santa,

My name is Sloan Eddins. I am 7 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

How do your reindeer fly? How are you doing?

Thank you for the toy dinosaurs last year, I liked it because I really liked it because it whas really fun.

Pleas bring Charly a hores because she always wanted one. Please bring a Panda because I have alweas wuntid one.

Please be safe.

With love, Sloan Eddins

Dear Santa,

My name is Cecilia Wimmenaurer. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Draffron’s class.

Do you like cookies? Do you make toys too?

Thank you for the toys last year. I really liked it because it was really fun.

Please brin Ben a new nrf gun for huim because he wants it. Please bring me a LOL dol because I wut one.

Have fun on your trip.

With love, Cecilia

Dear Santa,

My name is Aiden Johnson. I am 7 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

How are the eleves doing? Do you make toys too?

Thank you for the car last year. I really liked it because it was fun.

Please bring Quillen a nrfe gun. Because he will Love it. Please bring me some mony because I wot some.

I hope you are safe on your trip.

With love, Aiden Johnson

Dear Santa,

My name is Isaac Evans. I am 7 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs Daffrons class.

Do you like cookies? How do your reindeer fly?

Thank you for th drtsfrmrs last year. I like it because it was asome.

Please bring mom a gun because she does not have one. Please bring me some Pokemon crds because I love them.

Have fun on your trip.

Your friend, Isaac Evans

Dear Santa,

Mi name is Elsa Prevot. I am 7 years. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementari School in Mrs Daffron’s class.

Do you make toys too? How do your reindeer fly?

Thank you for the kisi set last year. I really liked it because I nivor haf it.

Please bring mi dad a new momelt hat because he is me bes dad. Please bring me a tablit because it is broken.

I hope you are safe on your trip.

Your friend, Elsa Prevot

Dear Santta,

My name is Quillen Reeves. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elemenatary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

How are the elves? Do you like cookies?

Thank you for the bike last year. I really liked it because I rid it alot.

Please bring a Aiden a nrf gun because he will luv it. Please bring me a dirtbike because mine is broken.

Please be safe.

Your friend, Quillen Reeves

Dear Santa,

My name is Chloe Toon. I am 7 years old. I am first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

Do you make toys too?

Thank you for the jnacits mat last year. I really like it because it is very yoosulf.

Please bring mom new sluiprs because her other sluiprs dot cep her feet warm. Please bring me a big surprise because I wut one.

Please be safe.

With love, Chloe

Dear Santa,

My name is Leyton Robertson. I am 7 yeyrs old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

How do your reindeer fly? Do you like cookies? Thank you for the omajniks last year. I really liked it. I love it cus I playd wif It.

Please bring mom a puppy we dont have becuse we need it. Please bring me a mileyin kinder joys bcus they are lietl.

Please be safe.

With love, Leyton Robertson

Dear santa,

My neme is Sierra Dunn. I am 7 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

Do you like cookirs? How do your reindeer fly?

Thank you for the LOL last year. I really liked it becus it was fun to play wit it.

Please bring a Aanr a nerf gun because he likes to play with theme. Please bring me a LOL litolstr because I like to play with them.

I hope the reineer are ready.

With love, Sierra Dunn

Dear Santa,

My name is Zoey Drake. I am 7 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

Do you like cookies? Do you make toys too?

Thank you for the toys last year. I really likd it because I like to play with it a lot. Please bring Mom a pup because we don have one. I love Mom.

Please bring me a pup because I dont have noe.

Please be safe.

With love, Zoey Drake

Dear Santa,

My name is Jeffrey Lee. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

Do you like cookies? Do you make toys too?

Thank for the groot toy. I really liked it because I like the groot toy.

Please bring Zoey a nrf gun because she dos not have one. Please bring me a computer because I dot have one.

Please be safe.

Your friend, Jeffrey Lee

Dear Santa,

My name is Nicholas Schultz. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffron’s class.

How do your reindeer fly? Do you like cookies?

Thank you for rase car last year… I really liked it because it wus fun.

Please bring mom makup she need sum. Please bring me a car because I like them a lot.

Have fun on your trip.

Sicerly, Nicholas Schultz

Dear Santa,

My name is Braydon Baker. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mrs. Daffrt’s class.

How are you doing? Do you like cookies?

Thank you for the fisfollpot. I really liked it because mammim rule.

Please bring Quills a drte bike becus his is broken. Please bring me a drte bike because I dot have won.

Please be safe.

Your friend, Braydon Baker

Justin Dodd's first-grade class at Van Buren Elementary School.
Justin Dodd’s first-grade class at Van Buren Elementary School.

Justin Dodd’s first-grade class

Dear Santa,

My name is Grant. I am 6 years old. I am a class Mr Dodds.

How much cookes did you eat? Haw much tows did you make?

Thank for for the nerf gun last year. I really likes it because it brake thngs. It is fun to play with.

Please bring Addason a Barbie doll because she is speshal.

Can you pleese give a xbox?

Thank you, Grant

Dear Santa,

My Name is Natalia. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elemnary School in Mr. Dodd’s class.

Do you have talking dogs? How old are you.

Thank you for the toys last year. I riley likte it bekuss you cood lisin to muoosick.

Please bring mom a necklis because she helps me with my school work. She tacks care uv me.

Please bring me a Poopsee. I really want it because it poops slime.

Thank you, Natalia

Dear Santaw,

My name is Hatter. I am 7 years old. I am in first grade Van Beren Elmentre Scool in Mr. Dodd class.

How old are you. Ware do you live.

Thank you for the nerf gune because it was cool.

Please bring me Mr. Dodd a game for his Xbox because he is ae good teacher. Please bring me a Xbox 360. I really want it because thay are awsaum.

Thank you, Hatter

Dear Santa,

My name is Haylee R. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mr. Dodd’s class.

Do you like cookeis? Do lkie milk?

Thank you for the barbie last year. I really like it becasve I love to play with it. Please bring me a Barbie dremhouse. I really want it because I very like it.

Thank you, Haylee R.

Dear Santa,

My name is Lydia. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mr. Dodd’s class.

How do the rander fly? How do you go from house to house?

Thank you for the a bobehas last year. I really liked it because I love it.

Please bring my mom a dimin nelis because she tesce ceuv me and she wroks wiwe hod. Please bring me a LOL hos. I really want it because I will won it.

Thank you, Lydia

Dear Santa,

My name is Charlie. I am 6 years old. I am a first in Mr Dodd’s class.

Who makes toys? Do you make toys?

Thank you for the korocue mochone last year. I really liked it because you sing on it and it is fun.

Please bring Ben a mepabkstetr because he has been nice to me all year. Please bring me a real life minecraft I really want it because I never had one.

Thank, Charlie

Dear Sana,

My name is Sophie. I am 6 years old I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mr. Dodd’s class.

Do you have any talking? Wut is yor fret culr?

Thank you for the babe dol last year. I really liked it because I luv it so mush. I crid.

Please bring Vilet a LOL because she lik my and I luv her. Please bring me a baby doll. I really want it because I have never had wun.

Thank you, Sophie

Dear Santa,

My Name is Hailey. I am 6 years old I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mr. Dodd’s class.

Do you have any talking dogs? How old are you. Thank you for the kercmshen last year.

I liked it kuz I luve singing ver much. Thek you thek you vero very much.

Please bring my mommy a jolery nexlis and some listikx and meup bag. Becuz she luvs mekup and she dezeurs it.

Please bring me a barbe dol and sum mekup and cumpodr and sum blu angel wings. I really want it because I love a lot of things.

Love, Hailey

Dear Santa,

My name is William I 7 years old. I am in first at Van Buren Elementary School in Mr. Dodd’s class.

How is the north pole. How do the elves make the toys.

Thank you for the stuff anumul last year. I really like it because it was fuzy and it wus kewl.

Please bring Ledeu a stuff animal dog because she plays wet me. Please breg me a DS and a fone bekus I navr had them befor and a compoter and PS4.

Thank you, William

Dear Santa,

My name is Gage. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mr. Dobbs class.

How old are you? How was your summer?

Thank you for the Xbox last year. I really liked it because I got to play with my brother.

Please bring Violet a sloth because she dsrves it. Please bring me a Xbox 360. I really want it because I love Xbox.

Thank you, Gage H.

Dear Santa,

My name is Violet I am 7 years I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mr. Dodd’s class

How old are you? Have I been good or bad?

Thank you for the LOL pets last year I really liked it because it was my first one and it was a match to Super B.B

Please bring my mom a vase because she likes flowers and she helps me.

Please bring me a LOL Surprise dolls I really want it because I collect lol suprise dolls.

Thank you, Violet

Dear Santa,

My name is Gage B. I am 7 years old I am a first grader at Van Buren Elemenitary School in Mr. Dodd’s class.

Do you have talking rain deer? How old are you?

Thank you for the toys last year because me and my sister play with them. They were fun.

Please bring gagett a Wii becaus I think he’ll have fun on it and he daserbs it. Please bring me a Xbox I really want it because I think I well have fun on it

Please bring a Nitendo Switch I really want it because I think it is fun.

Think you, Gage B.

Dear Santa,

My name Camron. I am 7 years old I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mr. Dodd’s class.

Do you have any talking dogs? How old you? How was your summer? What is your farat cooky do you like Santa cookys?

Thank you fer the toys last year I really liked it because they war rilly fun to play with.

Please bring mom a necklis because she dsrvs it. She wrsx rilly hord. Please bring me a toy is really fun I really want it.

Thank you, Cameron

Dear Santa,

My name is Henry. I am 6 years old. I am a first grader at Van Buren Elementary School in Mr. Dodd’s class.

How are you doing? How old are you?

Thank you for the toys last year.

Please bring Lada a doll because I really like her and she is very cute. Please give me a phone.

Thank you, Henry