Fine print: Criminal court March 8-14

New charges

March 11

Loretta Scott, domestic battery, Level 6 felony

Dean Terrill, theft of a firearm, Level 6 felony

March 12

Roger Wethington, intimidation, Class A misdemeanor; harassment, Class B misdemeanor

Caleb Slater, operating a vehicle while intoxicated — endangering a person, Class A misdemeanor; operating a vehicle with an ACE of 0.08 or more, Class C misdemeanor; operating a vehicle with a Schedule I or II controlled substance or its metabolite in the body, Class C misdemeanor

James Robert Childs Jr., auto theft, Level 6 felony

Colton Devon Spear, possession of a narcotic drug, Level 6 felony; unlawful possession of a syringe, Level 6 felony; possession of a controlled substance, Class A misdemeanor


March 8

Jacob Thompson, theft, Class A misdemeanor; 178 days in Brown County jail, all executed. Credit for 89 actual days. Concurrent to 17F50104; $186 fine and total court costs.

March 11

Jacob Thompson, burglary, Level 5 felony; remaining count dismissed; five years in Department of Correction/BCJ/Brown County Community Corrections with two years executed, remainder suspended. Concurrent to 17CM0388. Credit for 90 actual days. Executed sentence to be served in BCJ/BCCC, work release if eligible. Probation for three years with standard and special conditions; $186 fine and total court costs. Heard with 17CM0388.

Martin Douglas Jr., leaving the scene of an accident, Class B misdemeanor; 180 days in BCJ/BCCC, all suspended. Probation for 180 days; $186 fine and total court costs.

Justin Granger, operating a vehicle while intoxicated — endangering a person, Class A misdemeanor; operating a vehicle while intoxicated — previously convicted of the offense of OWI within five years, Level 6 felony; remaining counts dismissed; 545 days in BCJ with five actual days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for two actual days. Probation for 540 days. License suspension for 180 days commencing March 11. Refusal suspension terminated by agreement; $386.50 fine and total court costs. Defendant to report to Brown County jail on March 25 at 8 a.m.

John Perkins, operating a vehicle while intoxicated, Class C misdemeanor; 60 days in BCJ with two days executed, remainder suspended. Credit for one actual day. Probation for 365 days. License suspension for 15 days; $386.50 fine and total court costs.

March 13

Cora Robinson, count 1: criminal recklessness, Class B misdemeanor; count 2: criminal mischief, Class A misdemeanor; count 3: leaving the scene of an accident, Class B misdemeanor. Count 1: 180 days in BCJ, all suspended. Count 2: One year in BCJ with 60 days executed, remainder suspended. Count 3: 180 days in BCJ, all suspended. Sentences are to be served concurrently to each other. Credit given toward count 2 for four actual days. The remainder of the sentence in count 2 is to be served on electronic home monitoring through BCCC. Probation for 305 days with standard conditions including a mental health evaluation and substance abuse evaluation. Restitution to be paid to Amy Ripberger for $2,500 and to Marvin Murphy for $4,980. Defendant is ordered to pay 10 percent of any net income per week towards restitution, which will be applied in equal amounts. Restitution amounts are entered as judgment; $188.50 fines and total court costs. Electronic home monitoring to commence March 22. Court advises defendant of appellate rights.

March 14

Ronald Kortz, driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor; two days in BCJ, all executed. Credit for one actual day. License suspension for 90 days; $285.50 fine and total court costs.

Ardis Griffin III, count 1: criminal confinement, Level 5 felony; count 3: strangulation, Level 6 felony; remaining counts dismissed. Count 1: Five years DOC, all executed. Count 3: Two-and-a-half years in DOC, all executed. Counts to run concurrent. Credit: 73 actual days. Sentence consecutive to 53C02-1803-F6-0290 and 53C02-1804-F6-0417; $300 restitution to victim; $286 fine and total court costs. No-contact order in favor of victim as condition of sentence. Appellate rights explained. Defendant indicates he is not requesting appointment of appellate counsel.

Robert Smoot III, reckless driving, Class C misdemeanor; $285.50 fine and total court costs.

Richard Spivey, two counts of criminal mischief, Class B misdemeanors; $839 restitution in favor of Gaye Kemp. Any property seized is forfeited unless otherwise specified; $187 fine and total court costs.

Dismissed cases

March 13

Aaron Jones, residential entry, Level 6 felony

Steven Rader Jr., driving while suspended, Class A misdemeanor