Club news for week of April 2

Pioneer Women

The Pioneer Women’s Club meets each Wednesday at 9 a.m. at the History Center, 90 E. Gould St. Interested women are welcome.

Woodworkers club

The Brown County Woodworkers Club will meet at 7 p.m. Wednesday, April 3 at Bill Berg‘s workshop, 3315 Hoover Road. Berg is known for crafting dulcimers. The workshop is about four miles north of State Road 46 East.

Rotary club

Judy O’Bannon-Willsey, former first lady of Indiana, will speak about making her documentary “Courage, Brain and Muscle: Our Environmental Champions,” when the Brown County Rotary Club meets for breakfast Thursday, April 4, at Nashville’s Artists Colony Inn. Rotarians will meet at 7:15 a.m. at the inn, 105 S. Van Buren St.

In collaboration with WFYI Public Broadcasting Station, O’Bannon-Willsey traveled the state to find environmental champions, creative people who are improving sustainability and reducing pollution in Indiana. The video can be viewed by searching “WFYI Courage Brain Muscle” online.

O’Bannon-Willsey has led community development and historic preservation, promoting arts, reading and early childhood education. She is an Emmy-winning host and producer of WFYI-TV series Communities Building Community, Judy O’Bannon’s Foreign Exchange, and several one-time specials. She graduated Phi Beta Kappa from Indiana University, was a Rockefeller Theological Scholar, and was the first woman to attend Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary.

Members of the community, especially those interested in learning about and helping with Rotary activities and projects, are welcome.


The Writers, Readers and Poets Society meets from 7 to 9 p.m. on first and third Thursdays each month to read and discuss the literary compositions of those present. The next meetings will be April 4 and 18 at the Brown County Public Library, 205 N. Locust Lane. All are welcome.

League of Women Voters

The League of Women Voters of Brown County has a monthly board meeting from 10 a.m. to noon the second Monday of each month. Meetings are n lower-level meeting room A of the Brown County Public Library, 205 Locust Lane. The next meeting will be April 8. The public is welcome.

Beekeepers club

The 10 o’clock Beeline Beekeepers Club will meet at 7 p.m. Monday, April 8 in a lower-level meeting room of the Brown County Public Library, 205 N. Locust Lane.

The club welcomes anyone interested in bees or beekeeping; those interested in starting a beehive are particularly encouraged to attend. Experienced beekeepers are available as mentors.

Roger Graham of Graham’s Bee Works will give advice on how to prevent swarming and preparing for an early nectar flow. He also will answer questions about starting and maintaining healthy beehives.

For more information, call Tony Gaudin at 765-318-0525 or Mark Partridge at 317-771-2474.

Cemetery society

The Brown County Cemetery Preservation Society, a committee of the Peaceful Valley Heritage group, meets at 4:15 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month in the archives room at the Brown County History Center, 90 E. Gould St. The next meeting will be April 9. The public is welcome.

Preservation group

CEO of the Brown County Community Foundation, Maddison Miller, will be the guest speaker for the Peaceful Valley Heritage Preservation Society annual meeting at 6 p.m. Tuesday, April 9 at the BCCF building, 209 N. Van Buren St. All are welcome.

Photography club

The Brown County Photography Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month in a lower-level room at the Brown County Public Library, 205 Locust Lane. The next meeting will be April 9. Anyone interested in photography is welcome.

Genealogy group

The Brown County Genealogical Society meets at 1 p.m. the second Thursday of each month at the Brown County Public Library, 205 Locust Lane. The next meeting is April 11, with a roundtable discussion on veteran ancestors. Meetings are free and all are welcome.

Lions club

The Brown County Lions Club meets for dinner at 6:30 p.m. on third Tuesdays at The Seasons Conference Center, 560 State Road 46 East.

The club has been serving the community since 1943 and members live by the motto, “We Serve.” Local, state, national and worldwide programs include: Leader Dogs for the Blind; speech and hearing needs; vision screening, including working with Brown County Schools; cancer and diabetes programs; college scholarships and more.

For more information, like Brown County Lions Club Facebook page, visit, or call Membership Chairman Mel Hoefling at 812-327-6875.

Discussion group


The adult fourth Wednesday discussion group meets at 1 p.m. at the Brown County Public Library for about 90 minutes to discuss pre-selected topics designed to foster conversation, companionship and laughter.

For more information, stop by the library at 205 Locust Lane or call 812-988-2850.