POET’S CORNER: Picnic on the Battlefield

Picnic on the Battlefield

It’s when I saw the Battlefield

My soul began to feel

The angry drum, the ancient wrath

The weapons stone and steel

The glory of a former time

When wars were won and lost

Upon the breast of Mother Earth

Men’s blood the holy cost

And through the passage of the years

We picnic at the field

Where warrior fighting warrior

Would not falter nor would yield

Their bones are mingled in the lawn

Where children play their games

No one recalls their mighty deeds

Nor even knows their names

Yet on this field of battle once

Heroic acts were done

Where now we break our bread today

So many died so young

And since we don’t know who they were

Or even how or why

Those unknown men so long ago

Would choose this place to die

It makes me wonder what the cause

For each to die so brave

For their home or from their heart

Or fear to be a slave?

But now we see a child play

Where once a warrior fought

Our joy today the price he paid

For land so dearly bought

— John W.M. Sisson, Nashville