Driver checked, released after two-vehicle crash

A 61-year-old Bloomington woman was checked out by EMS after a crash on State Road 46 East Aug. 8.

The crash was reported just before 11 a.m. at the intersection of Old State Road 46 and 46 East, according to an accident report by Nashville Police Officer Evan Painter.

A witness reported seeing Patricia Sterling with her turn signal on to go left onto Old 46 when Kevin Lane, 28, of Columbus, came up behind her. The witness said Lane’s vehicle tried to swerve to the right to miss Sterling’s vehicle, but the left front side of his Honda Accord collided with the back right side of Sterling’s BMW, the accident report states.

The crash caused Sterling’s vehicle to shoot forward and to the left. Her vehicle came to a rest on Old 46. Lane’s vehicle was found in the middle of 46 East near the Brown County State Park north gate, according to the report.

Lane told police he had looked over at Eagle Park for a second and when he looked back he was “right on top” of Sterling’s vehicle. He said he tried to swerve to avoid a crash, but that did not work.

Sterling said her vehicle was hit before she saw anything coming.

Both cars were towed.

Lane and Sterling initially told first responders they were OK, but Sterling began complaining of chest pain. EMS arrived on scene and checked her. Medical personnel determined she was OK and Sterling refused further treatment.

Both drivers were wearing seat belts.