Shop for a good cause Saturday

Janis Shaffer, Judith Lawless and Laura Young man the potted plants booth at FallFare. Submitted photo

Staff Reports

Rain or shine, the Nashville United Methodist Church FallFare will appear on all four corners of Nashville’s Village Green for the 47th year.

The bazaar, featuring multiple themed booths, will take place from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 5. Every dollar raised at FallFare will go to someone in need, organizers said.

Church members have spent the past year making crafts and gifts and gathering unique items for the sale. Over the past few weeks, members baked pies, made candies and potted plants.

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Booths include “Unexpected Treasures,” “We Made It,” “My Oh My! We Love Pie,” antiques and collectibles, Christmas, plants, books and an art boutique. A kids’ carnival also will be set up.

Goods include handmade knitted, quilted and wood items, fine artwork, homemade candy, pies and other baked items, pickles, jams, apples, antiques, live plants, cut and dried flowers, jewelry, hats, scarves, purses, holiday decor and yard sale-type items.

Breakfast and lunch will be sold.

The Village Green is one block west of the Brown County Courthouse. For more information, call 812-988-4666.