BOYS SOCCER: Finding success in transition

Senior Caleb Yager works the ball downfield in an attempt to break the Bedford North Lawrence defense. The boys soccer team put together a four game win-streak and ended the regular season at 5-6-3, surpassing last years 4-12-0 record. David Wood | For The Democrat

By DAVID WOOD, for The Democrat

Following a disappointing 1-4-1 start, the boys varsity soccer program took an unexpected blow in an already rocky season.

Just six games in former head coach August “Skip” Simons was dismissed following an alleged inappropriate text, putting then-assistant coach Craig Norris on the spot.

However, instead of collapsing, Norris and company soon found success in the transition.

The squad put together a four-game win streak and ended the regular season at 5-6-3, surpassing last year’s 4-12-0 record.

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“Stepping into that position I knew I had a lot to cover. I knew that I was excited and ready for it, but I was aware that I have a lot to learn,” Norris said of his switch to head coach.

“I was hoping the guys would take it well, since I know it was a big transition losing their head coach midway through the season. I’m proud that once I stepped up, we won four games in a row.”

In addition, Norris appreciated the positivity and openness expressed by his team despite the shakeup.

“It was cool to see the guys rally behind and support me. They could have easily gotten down and given up on the season, but instead they used it as motivation.”

He coined this positivity as the sticking point for their season. Amid the coaching transition and on-the-field troubles, staying positive has been the goal.

“I think the main thing for us is staying positive. It’s very easy to get negative when you get scored on, and so I think for our guys when we go down a goal, we’ll start bickering with each other. The main thing we’re trying to work on is staying positive no matter what happens,” he said.

Norris said he believes a large portion of their success rests on the senior trio of Logan Imming, Caleb Yager and Will Normile.

“They have all really stepped up despite losing their head coach. I would say Caleb Yager especially stepped into a leadership position and just explained to the guys that they’re going to have to continue the season and fight hard,” he said.

“Ever since then, Will has been playing phenomenal for us on offense and Imming has stepped up on the defense.”

Normile and Yager both agreed that this season has also been about communication, chemistry and teamwork.

“I think we’ve been improving a lot on our communication, passing skills, and a lot of our overall teamwork. We’re doing a lot better than last year,” Normile said.

“Our chemistry has been a lot better this year. We’ve become closer as a group,” Yager added.

Having played together all four years, Yager and Normile share a special bond. Coordinating together, the duo helps push the team downfield and generate offensive pressure.

Their teamwork represents a key motto that head coach Norris places above all.

“Something I always think of is the phrase ‘Team over me.’ It’s just an easy, three-word phrase that I think really captures what it means to be a sports program,” he said.

“To be successful, you have to have guys on the team who are willing to put the team over themselves.”

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Brown County High Schools boys varsity soccer team

Seniors: Owen Taylor, Will Normile, Caleb Yager, Logan Imming

Juniors: Zach Spires, Ricky Stanley, Cameron Payne, Logan Huddleston, Ty Wesley, Nick Ponzo

Sophomores: Sam Normile, Elijah Smith, Wyatt Fox, Collin Trapp, River Lacy-Connell, Aiden Fox

Freshmen: Ethan Scott, Jackson O’Shea, Aidan Norcutt, Caelan Stanley
