Freshman earns pin for cross-country performance


Brown County High School freshman Hadley Gradolf was apprehensive about trying out for the school’s cross-country team this year.

Coach Rob Abraham had talked her into it after teaching her in his basic physical education class.

Gradolf ended up being the only Brown County athlete to make it to the state cross-country meet this year.

“She had a tremendous year,” Abraham said.

Gradolf received an Eagle pin from the school board on Nov. 21. At the Eagle Classic races earlier in the season, Gradolf had cut a minute and a half off her best time and continued to make cuts to it throughout the season, Abraham told the school board.

Brown County High School freshman Hadley Gradolf received an Eagle pin from the Brown County Schools Board of Trustees on Nov. 21 for her performance this cross-country season, which included competing at the state meet. Pictured from left to right are Superintendent Laura Hammack, school board member Vicki Harden, Gradolf, and school board members Stephanie Kritzer, Carol Bowden and Vice President Marlene Barnett.  Suzannah Couch | The Democrat
Brown County High School freshman Hadley Gradolf received an Eagle pin from the Brown County Schools Board of Trustees on Nov. 21 for her performance this cross-country season, which included competing at the state meet. Pictured from left to right are Superintendent Laura Hammack, school board member Vicki Harden, Gradolf, and school board members Stephanie Kritzer, Carol Bowden and Vice President Marlene Barnett. Suzannah Couch | The Democrat

She was also runner-up in the Western Indiana Conference.

“The only girl who beat her was our state runner-up in the state meet and a Nike finalist, so a really good girl ended up beating her,” he told the board.

Gradolf won a spot at state after running a cold, rainy race at home in Brown County on Oct. 26, where she finished 12th in 19:34.5.

“It would have been very easy to just stay in the back and be done with the season. She went out and ran phenomenal races,” Abraham said.

At the state meet, Gradolf ran 5,000 meters (3.1 miles) in 19:20.5 to place 57th at the finals.

“She finished in the top third in state. She was very close to top 25 percent. It’s amazing to do in your very first year of running,” Abraham said.

Superintendent Laura Hammack said it’s fun to watch Gradolf run. “I told the board, ‘It’s like you float.’ It’s the most extraordinary thing to see. We’re super proud of you,” she said.

“We’re just so glad you decided to go out for cross.”

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