Guests witness wedding from sidewalk, cars


Tayler Hogan and Jake Swigert had their first date on April 7, 2017.

A year later on the same date, the couple found out they were having a baby boy, and Swigert dropped to one knee to ask Hogan to be his wife.

This year brought another celebration on April 7, as the couple exchanged vows to become Mr. and Mrs. Swigert.

Getting married at the Village Green in Nashville — as a small number of family members watched from cars and the sidewalks on Jefferson and Main streets — was not the couple’s first plan.

It wasn’t their second plan, either.

It was the second week of March when the couple and their families realized a destination wedding in Florida was not a possibility, as the coronavirus began spreading throughout the country and the first case was confirmed in Indiana.

By the third week of March, the couple decided they would hold a small wedding in a barn owned by a relative. But then, further restrictions on gatherings of 10 or more people were put in place.

“We just decided to do this, like, last week. It was really quick,” Tayler Swigert said.

The ceremony happened on public property with the knowledge of the Nashville Police Department.

The couple called immediate family members to come watch them exchange vows. Some sat on their truck tailgates while others had their car windows rolled down.

Downtown Nashville did not pause for the ceremony. A woman walking her dog strolled by South Jefferson Street and a couple riding a motorcycle made their way down Main Street.

The bride is from Trafalgar and the groom is from Mooresville. They had their maternity photos shot at Brown County State Park, and one of their plans had been to do their wedding there.

“There’s no leaves or anything, so we thought this would be a pretty place right here. It has green grass. It worked out perfect,” said Carrie Hogan, mother of the bride, about the Village Green.

“I think it went great, considering. We were up against a lot. The worlds were colliding to not to let them get married, but we overcame.”

The bride was escorted by her father. The couple’s son, 19-month-old Owen, also walked down the aisle. After being pronounced husband and wife, the couple immediately had their first dance on the sidewalk to “Nobody But You” by Blake Shelton and Gwen Stefani.

“I’m excited for it to actually happen. I felt like my hopes and dreams were crushed so many times,” Tayler Swigert said.

“We could have moved it, but we didn’t want to.”

“Everything happens for a reason,” Jake added.


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