Letter: Don’t be like Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout


To the editor:

With respect to the ongoing closure of the Brown County Recycle Center as apparently a non-essential activity, I offer the following words by Shel Siverstein about a young lady named:

Sarah Cynthia Sylvia Stout

Would not take the garbage out!

It filled the can, it covered the floor,

It cracked the window and blocked the door

At last the garbage reached so high

That it finally touched the sky.

And finally Sarah Cynthia Stout said,

“OK, I’ll take the garbage out!”

But then, of course, it was too late …

And there in the garbage she did hate,

Poor Sarah met an awful fate …

The entire poem is available on the internet, including a version on YouTube read by the author. There are those of us who wish people would ponder this carefully.

Brandy Brandon, Brown County

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