Town looking to sell police station; county considers buying it

This Thursday evening, the Nashville Town Council plans to discuss selling its current police station building and buying another one.

The possible buyer of the current station on Hawthorne Drive is Brown County government.

The Brown County Council discussed the topic during its meeting on Monday evening, April 13; the meeting will reconvene at 1 p.m. Wednesday, April 15 over teleconference.

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Buying a new police station was briefly discussed during a virtual meeting among town council members on March 31. Another virtual meeting will take place starting at 6:30 p.m. Thursday.

Town council President Jane Gore wouldn’t say where the prospective new building is, so as not to lose it to any other interested party. That happened back in 2011, when the town was trying to buy the building that most recently has housed Home Helpers on Artist Drive.

The town also made an attempt last spring to buy the former First Merchants Bank building across the street from Town Hall for a police station, but couldn’t make the deal work. It was later bought by Centra Credit Union.

The appeal in finding a new police station is to have a smaller space, council members said last spring.

Any offer on a new building would be contingent on the town selling its current police station, Gore said. As of the end of 2018, the town was scheduled to pay the current police station off in 2032.

Brown County Council members debated the purchase with county residents during a teleconference on Monday evening. Resident Tim Clark and others questioned the wisdom of such a purchase when the nation is in the midst of a pandemic which has unknown economic repercussions. He wanted to see more research and public input and more documentation showing the need.

No county council member made a motion to support the purchase that evening, but the topic is expected to be revisited during the Wednesday afternoon session.