SUPERINTENDENT’S CORNER: Start working on your future career now


By LAURA HAMMACK, guest columnist

There is an interesting inverse relationship between the economy and adult education. When the economy is strong, adult education participation falls. When the economy is weak, adult education participation soars. The critical component informing this relationship? Jobs.

Recently, I was given some great advice from a community member. The advice was this: Start planning for recovery now. At the time the advice was given, I felt like we were barely holding our head above water managing the “now” and couldn’t fathom how we were to make space for recovery planning. But the advice was spot on.

While we all stand witness to something for which few economists could have ever predicted, we have a fundamental responsibility to prepare for what happens on the other side of the pandemic.

With that understood, we believe that now, more than possibly ever, the Brown County Career Resource Center stands as a difference maker for our community and our region.

The realities of our recently booming economy screeching to a halt with the onset of COVID-19 are beyond unsettling. At the time of writing this column, over 332,000 Hoosiers (9.8 percent of the labor force) have filed unemployment claims and our projected July unemployment rate stands at 15 percent. From March 29 to April 5, Indiana filed the 15th highest number of unemployment claims in the nation.

Data like this is tough to swallow. However, as my wise friend counseled, now is the time to position ourselves for recovery. If we don’t plan for recovery today, we may have lost our opportunity altogether. Therefore, the Brown County Career Resource Center stands ready to support community members for recovery, today.

How lucky we are to live in a community with a resource like the BC CRC. While the physical facility is currently closed due to COVID-19 safety precautions, the CRC team is open and ready to take your calls and support your needs in innovative ways that have never been attempted before.

The CRC offers a variety of programs and services to support a spectrum of adult needs. If you are actively seeking a job or need support in filing for unemployment, the team at the CRC can help. They have access to extensive lists of jobs that are available TODAY in our region.

If individuals find themselves in a situation where they are recently furloughed or laid off, the CRC can support these situations by offering opportunities to “skill up” during this unexpected time off. Perhaps you have always wanted to obtain your high school diploma. If so, the CRC can help you through that process. Are you interested in a career field with serious demand? Certified nursing assistant and certified clinical medical assistant training can be realized at the CRC, and this coursework is FREE to those who qualify.

Do you need printing, copying or faxing services? These services are FREE at the CRC and can be accessed even during closure. Do you need assistance with creating or rebuilding a resume? The CRC is ready to help you develop those skills. Does your small business need consultation to support the unique situation you find yourself facing? The CRC can connect you with our partners at SCORE.

The services available at the Brown County Career Resource Center are vast and are perfectly suited for the unfortunate realities that are byproducts of the efforts to reduce the pandemic. The CRC is ready to support your recovery TODAY. Please give them a call.: 812-988-5880. They have connections to resources that you might not even realize exist!

Laura Hammack is superintendent of Brown County schools. She can be reached at 812-988-6606 or [email protected].