Fine print: Jail bookings April 21-23

(All persons are presumed innocent of these preliminary charges pending court action. The arresting officer’s name appears in parenthesis.)

April 21

10:06 a.m. Clayton Crabtree, 28, Nashville, failure to appear warrant. (T. Richards)

April 23

1:41 a.m. Mandy Smith, 40, Martinsville, operating a vehicle while intoxicated; operating a vehicle while intoxicated with endangerment; operating a vehicle while intoxicated with priors; possession of marijuana; possession of paraphernalia. Released at 1:46 p.m. April 23, posted $10,000 bond. (Briles)

1:41 a.m. Cody Reeves, 25, Nashville, resisting law enforcement; battery resulting in injury to law enforcement; intimidation; public intoxication. (Stargell)

5:33 p.m. Blake Hurt, 25, Nashville, two warrants. (Griggs)