Letter: What’s really going on behind the virus hype?

To the editor:

As the pandemic hysteria continues, fear and anxiety have firmly supplanted reason and common sense. For openers, can anyone understand or explain the expressions or concepts so loudly and relentlessly bantered about ‘round the clock: “social distancing,” “flattening the curve,” normal, “testing positive,” “models,” “leading experts,” $7 trillion, 25 million folks unemployed, “second wave in the fall,” Eric Holcomb, the Easter Bunny, etc. ? Science and the data will tell us? Huh! It’s mind numbing. When will it end — start of the NFL season, Nov. 3 (election day), 2021, 2022 or BE HERE FOREVER?

Points to ponder: The virus or whatever we are calling the thing this week can’t be killed or eradicated. But in spite of learned predictions, over 300 million or so of us, for reasons unknown, are still left alive in the USA, and to make it even worse, are walking around and functioning normally. However, with an aggressive, government-enforced, universal, mandatory “testing system,” the medical powers to be should be able identify a whole lot of these people as “COVID-19 POSITIVE”! How must these “carriers” be dealt with? Something will have to be done with them; they can’t just be allowed to run around loose, having a job! I know here in Indiana we can count on good old Eric, who after consulting MEIN KAMPF will come up with something. Hey, the First Amendment hasn’t slowed him down. He’s on a roll! Stand by!

But maybe it’s just time to just sit back, pop a cold one and adjust our thinking. Let’s discard the outmoded concept of “American citizenship” and stuff like being responsible for yourself, your safety and your own wellbeing. Hey let’s get with it, be progressive and show we’re like, real, college educated! We are all “INHABITANTS” of a part of the North American continent responsible for nothing at all; it’s the government’s job to look after us, feed and clothe us totally, and of course, most importantly, look after our health and safety! Let the government do it all. They do such a good job at anything they touch, right? Feel better already?

Failsafe: TRUMP defeated in election. All mention of the pandemic ceases immediately in the media — total silence, not a word. Problem solved! Only one small question remaining: Will Joe Biden take the oath of office from his wheelchair or stretcher?

JL Kipp, Gnaw Bone

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