Fine print: Jail bookings July 20-24

(All persons are presumed innocent of these preliminary charges pending court action. The arresting officer’s name appears in parenthesis.)

July 20

11 a.m. Emmett Smith, 24, Nashville, warrant; failure to return to detention. (Gibson)

July 22

11:15 a.m. Mark Morgan, 32, Nashville, warrant; parole violation; Department of Corrections hold for New Castle. (Parole office)

2:14 p.m. Michael Caruthers, 38, Indianapolis, failure to appear warrant. Released at 5:02 p.m. July 22, posted $5,000 bond. (Sisson)

2:44 p.m. Ryne Franks, 27, Nashville, warrant; dealing a controlled substance; dealing a controlled substance resulting in death. (Griggs)

July 24

10:10 a.m. David Metsch, 34, warrant; domestic battery. Released at 8:45 p.m. July 24, posted $10,000 bond. (Bowling)