BRIGHT SPOTS: Some good news

TELL US SOME GOOD NEWS! If you’d like to thank someone for something they did for you or someone else, or reflect on something that makes you proud or happy or gives you peace during this time, please email a Bright Spot to [email protected].

“After my property was hayed and bushhogged, my husband mowed a walking path around the perimeter. I no longer have to worry about cars and cavernous culverts while walking!

— Christine Schott Kraft

“While working at our co-op art gallery yesterday, almost every person who came in stopped at the door, put on their mask and used our hand sanitizer. They talked about how beautiful the art was, how refreshing it was to be out and about and talk to others. Families with their kids for one more outing before school starts. A few of the kids talking to me about their art projects, and how they love to paint or draw. And most really wanting to go back to school. Cheerful people enjoying the day in town. Also the wonderful rain on and off most of the night! Puddles under our trees!”

— Sharon Jungclaus-Gould

“Happy my son gets to see his friends at school soon!”

— Gina Snyder Anderson

“The schools get free breakfast.”

— Sherry Dowell


— Julia M. Ottenweller

“Brownie’s is re-opening soon, in Bean Blossom! Check it out!”

— Stephanie Wheelock Porter

“A community has come together and cares for one another out here at Cordry-Sweetwater Lakes. All my neighbors bend over backwards to do ANYTHING for their neighbors. The whole county should take note and be like this! If you need a cup of flour or an onion or just someone to run over and help someone do something, we put it on our community page and there are always IMMEDIATE responses with many people willing to help and be neighborly. THIS is Brown County!”

— Sharianne Whetstine

“(Mother’s Cupboard) volunteers continue to cook during the pandemic. Although the lobby is closed, volunteers come in and assemble grocery bags of pantry items to be distributed on Fridays. I’ve been volunteering there for 10 years now. The current manager, Sherry, is a wonderful person who celebrates every holiday with her patrons.

— Beth Parrock

“A friend of mine paid for another person’s tomatoes at the farmers market Sunday. Small but kind and thoughtful gesture that we need more of.”

— Sue Fisher

“We have seen so many lil baby deers running on the road to playing in the creeks!”

— Kim Midkiff Shepherd

“Fourth of July has long been a favorite holiday for me. We’d have a few friends over for a cookout, and then head to ‘The Hill’ for the fabulous local fireworks put on by the Lions Club. Due to COVID, both events were cancelled. But my Joe and I had a wonderful time anyway. Our dear friends Judy and Ron had us over to watch their personal, on-the-ground fireworks display. Social distancing and all, we had an amazing, exhilarating time! Thanks you guys; you saved the day. You’re the best.”

— Barbara Brooke Davis

“The C/2020 F3 Neowise comet has been fantastic to watch. Weather-permitting, we may have ‘til end of July to see it. It’s visible in the NW sky under the Big Dipper. You have to be in a very dark place. This weekend I went down to Williams, Indiana, and it was visible as soon as I got out of the car. If you want to stay in BC, you might struggle a bit. Let your eyes adjust to the dark a good 20 minutes (not even looking at your phone in the dimmest setting, it will ruin your night vision). Binoculars help once you find it. When I saw it this weekend, the comet with the faintest part of the tail was bigger than the diameter of the moon (visually). It’s not coming back for many thousands of years. (

— Norberto Nunes

“Praise to all of the children who worked hard over their summer by taking and completing educational courses or educational camps, whether in person or online or whether through the local schools or wherever they went.”

— Brittany Johnson

“It’s Moth Week! Go out and enjoy nature!”

— Ronda Byers

“So happy that Schooner Valley Stables survived threat of closure (and) is open and leading horseback trail rides.”

— Laura McCracken

“Jackson Township Fire Department (is) always there for every run to help its community, or the Jackson Township Trustee Sandy Higgins, always helping so many in need.”

— Lisa Martin

A huge shout-out to Brown County superintendent! She’s been wonderful keeping all of us informed these past few months, going live every Monday on FB to answer any questions and keep us in the loop. She’s pretty awesome!

— Haillah Jannae

“I second this! And to Kelli Bruner of Helmsburg Elementary!”

— Alison Faulkner

“The community garden at Deer Run is beautiful this year!”

— Karen Bryan Jackson