Letter: Resident hopes neighbors will leave political sign alone

To the editor:

I’ve been looking at Trump signs for the past five years and never felt the need to steal or damage any one of them.

About a week ago I placed an average sized “8645” political sign out on the corner of my property. It lasted for about 24 hours before someone stole it.

In response I hand painted a 4’x8’ Biden and Harris lighted sign and hung it 10 feet up a tree. I’ve also created a fundraising pool so depending on if or when my new sign gets vandalized we’ll be making a large donation to Biden’s campaign.

I know that many of those in the halls of power have lost all sense of decency and fair play, but this is Brown County. I sure hope my neighbors will allow me my first amendment rights just as I have allowed theirs.


Jessica Bussert, Brown County

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