Letter: Birkenstocks and a Subaru don’t make you a liberal

To the editor:

With reference to Mr. Medlyn’s Nov. 4 letter to the editor, I was nodding along in agreement with his well stated views when I reached a “yikes” moment. His statement “try to avoid the worries of the Subaru/Hyundai-driving Birkenstock shoe-wearing groups” was a 2 for 2.

As a decades-long, straight-ticket Republican, I realize I may now be branded as a far-left liberal due to the car I drive and the shoes I wear.

All-wheel drive is a must where we live in Brown County, hence the Subaru. And, aging, arthritic knees feel much better when walking with the Birkenstock “negative” heel.

I was unaware I had entered the “far-left zone” with my auto and shoe choices. I thank him for the heads up.

Is there something that will visually neutralize that liberal impression without getting rid of my beloved car and shoes?

Upon reflection I think we should consider revisiting bumper stickers. They were always a dead giveaway of where someone stood on government and social issues.

Seems a shame to label a perfectly good car either right-leaning or left-leaning. My Subaru definitely needs bumper stickers. I wonder if they make them for Birkenstocks?

Susanne Gaudin, Jackson Township

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