Letter: Thanks to all who checked in after knee surgery

To the editor:

On Sept. 16, I underwent surgery to get two new knee replacements done. It has been a long time coming and much needed with this body of mine.

I wish to thank those who have been so helpful and supportive during the last six weeks, starting with my co-workers at Johnson Memorial Home Health with their messages and giftbox of goodies (I am just finishing the chocolates and I gotta find some more!!); George and Katie for driving me to and from therapy until I could drive myself; my neighbors Matt, Jeffery and Jeremy for doing and getting things around my home that I could not do, like bringing up my laundry from the basement and acting as my mailman/package finder; to my sister in New Jersey with her phone calls and messages who underwent emergency surgery for her heart during my first week home (glad I was able to offer support and education daily for her, since I could not be there); to Diane, my “work wife,” and Carrie, my information queen, for putting up with my messages; to Deb, my therapist for rehab at the CRH clinic at the YMCA (it’s so nice to be working with you again even though I am on the patient side this time); to Southern Indiana Orthopedics staff who have helped me through this process, and to Dr. Darryl Tannenbaum for making my knees straight and functional; to Jenny at Exercise Inc. for the last two years of work to get as strong as I could before surgery; to all the others who have called and touched base with me; and last but certainly not least, my pride and joy, Jessica, who came home for two weeks to care for me after surgery. Since she is a mini me, I got what I needed and probably some payback for the last 30 years.

I will be going back to work in December with a new appreciation for my total knee patients, and surgical patients in general, with additional information on what is normal post surgery and recovery.

Thanks, one and all.

The new bionic woman,

Carol Bowden, PT, Brown County

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