Letter: Commissioners, revoke rezoning for kennel

To the editor:

My letter is regarding The Democrat’s brief located under the newspaper section GOVERNMENT BRIEFS in the Wednesday, Dec. 30, 2020 issue. The brief is titled “New kennel business approved in Belmont area.” It is ironic that that this brief was published in the same newspaper issue that memorialized Dr. Brester in the article titled “Goodbye, Doc.” Dr. Brester had been instrumental in helping us/my family with our pets over the years, including euthanizing several of our pets. He was always extremely compassionate and sympathetic when doing so, as the article in The Democrat stated he was.

To be brief, I believe many people in this community would take offense to any “breeding” of more dogs, or any pet/animals for that matter. Increasing the number of animals by even one can and does exponentially increase the number of unwanted dogs that often face euthanasia. It seems everyone likes puppies, especially if they can be sold for hundreds or thousands of dollars. Truth is that we have enough unwanted dogs that are being killed in this country and around the world. Allowing kennels to breed exacerbates the issue of unwanted animals and often leads to horrible conditions for them that likely leads to euthanasia.

I realize that owning a German Shepard kennel is a “dream” of Mr. Przybyla’s, but I also realize that stopping the breeding of dogs so we as a humane species can get a grip on unwanted animals being euthanized is, similarly, a “dream” of mine. I have a difficult time believing that animals at dog pounds, including puppies, cannot be trained to help those “with physical or mental challenges for protection or for service.” Increasing dog numbers when so many are being killed makes no sense to me. Whether Brown County has a “no-kill” policy or not is not my point — thousands of animals, here in this state, this country, and around the world are suffering due to increased breeding.

I ask the Brown County Commissioners to please revoke the approved recommendation to rezone the property at issue from primary residential to general business.

Thank you,

Thomas C. Irvine, Brown County

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