Ann Marshall Knobloch

Ann Marshall Knobloch passed from this life at Four Seasons Health Care, Columbus, Indiana. Ann was born April 14 1939. Ann graduated in 1956 from Columbus High School. She graduated from Indiana University in business administration and was a member of Alpha Phi sorority.

Subsequent to her graduation she worked for Merrill Lynch in Indianapolis. While in Indianapolis she met Richard F. Knobloch and they were married in 1964. In 1967 the couple moved to Atlanta, Georgia where Ann and Dick started a fastener distribution company. After selling the company, they opened another business which was later sold to Service Supply Company in Indianapolis. While in Atlanta, Ann and Dick were members of Dunwoody Country Club in Dunwoody (Atlanta), Georgia.

They moved back to Columbus in 1995 where Ann was active in numerous community pursuits. Ann was a member of Magazine Club, Whip-Poor-Will Garden Club and Mudlarks Garden Club. She frequently won ribbons for her creative flower arrangements at the 4-H Fair. Ann loved local history and was on the Board of the Bartholomew County Historical Society where she served several terms as President. She was a member of the project committee for the ‘Columbus 125 years’ history and was a co-editor of the ‘History of Bartholomew County Volume II 2003’. Ann was on the Board of the Harrison Lake Town Meeting for many years and a member of Harrison Lake Country Club. Ann was a co-owner of Home News Enterprises (The Republic and several other statewide newspapers).

All will remember how much she loved animals, recently living with her cat Teddy. Over the years she had numerous dogs and cats. Some of her favorites were her border collie Maggie and standard poodle Gabby.

She was preceded in death by her parents Elizabeth and Robert J. Marshall and her husband, Richard F. Knobloch. Ann is survived by two brothers, David J. Marshall, De Land, Illinois and Thomas R. Marshall (Marion), Columbus, Indiana and her step-children Mark Knobloch (Susan) of Belton, Texas and Jane Smith (Gordon) of Littleton, Colorado. She is also survived by two nephews, Stephen T. Marshall (Michele), Nashville, Indiana and Gregory R. Marshall (Andrea), Charlotte, North Carolina.

You may make memorials to the charity of your choice. Online condolences and special memories may be shared with the family at

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Abigail Youmans
Abigail is a Brown County native dedicated to the community in which she has been raised. She joined the Brown County Democrat newsroom in 2019 while studying English at IUPUC, where she graduated in May 2020. After working as the news advertising coordinator for nearly two years, she became reporter in September of 2021. She took over as editor in the fall of 2022.