Belgian police detain 132 in virus restrictions protest

<p>BRUSSELS &mdash; Police have detained 132 people who took part in an illegal party in a Brussels park to protest COVID-19 restrictions, authorities said Sunday. </p>
<p>About 15 people, including protesters and police, were injured in clashes, police spokeswoman Ilse Van de Keere said.</p>
<p>About 2,000 revelers and protesters had massed in the park Saturday for the second time in a month, and police used water cannons and tear gas to disperse them.</p>
<p>Scattered around, police and protesters clashed until deep in the evening. The government and police had warned people for a week to stay away from the party to no avail. Clashes erupted after big crowds started gathering late in the afternoon. </p>
<p>Some protesters gathered around a bonfire shouting “Freedom!” and “Where is the party? Here is the party!” Some pelted the police with objects.</p>
<p>Belgium still has strict rules banning major gatherings and insists on people wearing face masks in large crowds.</p>
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