Police: Woman posed as student to promote Instagram page


<p>MIAMI &mdash; A 28-year-old woman who wanted to promote her Instagram page attempted to blend in with students at a Miami-area high school, police said.</p>
<p>Monday’s stunt at American Senior High School landed Audrey Francisquini in jail, where she’s facing charges of burglary, interfering with a school function and resisting arrest without violence, records show.</p>
<p>Francisquini started handing out pamphlets printed with her Instagram account after sneaking onto the campus around 8:30 a.m. Monday, police said. She had a black backpack and carried a skateboard as she walked through the hallways, recording herself.</p>
<p>School security tracked her down as she was wandering the hallways while students were in classrooms, an arrest report said. Francisquini told investigators she was looking for the registration office.</p>
<p>Investigators said she headed toward the registration office, but did not enter. Instead she continued walking through the hallways, talking to students, news outlets reported.</p>
<p>Security officers tried to catch up with her again, but she didn’t stop. They notified the office of a security threat on campus, police said.</p>
<p>An officer spotted her walking across the faculty parking lot and told her to stop. She continued walking, the report said.</p>
<p>Authorities tracked her down through her Instagram page and arrested her later Monday at her home in North North Miami Beach.</p>
<p>The school system will be conducting a thorough review of the incident, Miami-Dade County Public Schools spokesperson Jaquelyn Calzadilla told the Miami Herald. They will be looking into how she was able to sneak into the school and elude security several times.</p>
<p>Records did not list a lawyer for Francisquini.</p>

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