Crews prepare to resume shipwreck demolition delayed by fire


<p>SAVANNAH, Ga. &mdash; Salvage crews on the Georgia coast are preparing to resume demolition of an overturned cargo ship after work halted nearly two weeks ago when a large fire engulfed the shipwreck. </p>
<p>The towering crane being used to saw the South Korean freighter Golden Ray into large chunks has been moved back into position straddling the wreck after the crane passed an inspection following the fire, Coast Guard Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Himes said Wednesday.</p>
<p>The salvage team is waiting for engineers assessing fire damage to the shipwreck to declare that demolition can safely continue. </p>
<p>“It will be a few more days for sure," said Himes, a spokesman for the multiagency command overseeing the salvage. “We don’t have a clear timeline yet.”</p>
<p>The Golden Ray capsized with roughly 4,200 cars within its cargo decks on Sept. 8, 2019. Crews have been <a href="">working since November</a> to remove the ship in eight giant pieces, with the crane using a long anchor chain to tear through the vessel’s hull like a blunt-edged saw.</p>
<p>Demolition was roughly <a href="">halfway done </a> when a <a href=""> fire ignited</a> aboard the shipwreck May 14 as workers used cutting torches on the hull. No one was injured, but thick smoke poured from the wreck for hours before boats pumping seawater through water cannons extinguished the flames.</p>
<p>Himes said engineers are still working to determine whether intense heat from the fire weakened the vessel’s steel hull or the massive lifting lugs welded to its top. The lugs connect to the crane’s rigging, serving as critical anchor points for picking up each section.</p>
<p>The salvage team still plans to remove what’s left of the Golden Ray in four giant pieces, Himes said. Engineers will determine whether crews first have to make those sections lighter by removing cars and interior decks. </p>
<p>“We know we can cut and we know we can lift,” Himes said. “The question is how much weight can we lift.”</p>
<p>Meanwhile, debris recovery teams are still collecting melted plastic and charred debris from the fire. Car bumpers and other large parts have been fished from the water surrounding the shipwreck, Himes said, while thousands of smaller car pieces have been picked up along the beaches of nearby St. Simons Island and Jekyll Island.</p>
<p>He said air and water quality tests conducted after the fire turned up no pollution exceeding federal or state standards.</p>
<p>The Golden Ray was headed to sea when it rolled onto its side soon after leaving the Port of Brunswick, about 70 miles (112 kilometers) south of Savannah. Though four crew members had to be <a href="">rescued</a> from deep inside the ship, all 24 people on board survived.</p>
<p>A Coast Guard expert later concluded the Golden Ray tipped over because <a href="">unstable loading</a> had left its center of gravity too high. </p>

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