Palestinian killed by Israeli troops in West Bank protest


<p>JERUSALEM &mdash; A Palestinian man was shot and killed by Israeli troops on Friday during a protest against settlement expansion in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, health officials said.</p>
<p>The protest erupted over a settlement outpost near the town of Beita — one of dozens dotting hilltops in the West Bank in what Palestinians see as an ongoing Israeli land grab.</p>
<p>Several hundred Palestinians gathered on the hilltop. Dozens burned tires and threw stones at soldiers who fired live rounds, rubber bullets and tear gas. </p>
<p>The Palestinian Health Ministry said a 26-year-old Palestinian man was killed by army fire and that five protesters were injured, including two by live fire.</p>
<p>The Israeli military did not immediately issue a statement on the shooting.</p>
<p>The clash came at a time of heightened tensions following an 11-day war between Israel and the Islamic militant group Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip. More than 250 people, the vast majority Palestinians, were killed in the war which ended a week ago.</p>
<p>During the fighting, Gaza militants fired more than 4,000 rockets at Israel, while Israel bombed hundreds of targets linked to militants in Gaza.</p>

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