PHOTOS: Brown County Memorial Day remembrance

VFW Post 6195 Commander Don Birden places flags at the veterans memorial during Brown County's Memorial Day service while local veterans look on. Sara Clifford | The Democrat

A crowd gathered on the brick patio and spilled out into the street to pay tribute to Brown County service members who could not be there to salute.

Brown County’s veterans organizations lost four members who were particularly active in the community in the past year, and organizers of the Memorial Day ceremony wanted to pay tribute to them and all who were lost, said VFW Post 6195 Commander Don Birden.

Chaplain Ronnie Mays led the prayer; Anna Gipson sang the National Anthem; Birden and Bill Hamilton laid a wreath at the veterans memorial outside the courthouse; and Ed Wrightsman, Mays and Larry Kuhn placed red, white and blue flowers. Michael Beavin brought his riderless horse, Promised Land. “Taps” was played by George Coosky.