Letter: Rebuttal to the response to my previous letter


To the editor:

In paragraph No. 3, Mills begins by stating: “I am guessing, and I suspect” — exactly, no facts, just guessing and suspecting.

Then, he essentially calls me a racist and anti-women when he stated: “Just as he did not want to be born in Zimbabwe, I suspect he would prefer to not have been born black, or even female.”

First, I mentioned Zimbabwe because, as stated in my book: “The American Dream Is Real,” Zimbabwe was called the breadbasket of Africa — until, through violence, it became a dictatorship. Now Zimbabwe (just like Venezuela) cannot even feed its own people. So, is this where Mr. Mills wishes to live? If “yes,” I will purchase a plane ticket for him to relocate to Zimbabwe, as long as he agrees not to return to our racist country. If he chose not to take my offer to permanently move to Zimbabwe, does that make him a racist, or am I just guessing and suspecting, while having no facts (like he did to me)?

Second, some of my very best friends and heroes in this life are “black.” In my book, “The American Dream Is Real,” I list some of those black people, who I call “My Heroes,” such as Soma Coulibaly and Dr. Ben Carson. In addition, my wife and I are good friends with Dr. Willie Brown, dean of the College of Veterinary Medicine at Purdue University. Soma and I continue to communicate even though he lives in Boston.

Third, I am and have always been a champion for women. Beginning on page 15 of my book, “The American Dream Is Real,” I devote a complete chapter to the fact that young women will face a much more difficult time in this life than young men will. I came from a home where my mother was severely abused. It was so bad that one day I wrestled my dad to the ground and sat on him to prevent him from harming our mom. I have devoted my life to making sure that all women are treated fairly, and have always looked out for their interests and the interests of any children they are raising. While rebuilding failing companies during my career, I hired more women for senior management jobs than men. All of them provided exceptional performance.

Fourth, I did not “demonize protests as being destructive,” as stated by Mr. Mills. Not once in my letter to the editor did I make that statement. Instead, I said: “Why do so many hateful politicians and self-appointed social loudmouths want to destroy America — rather than teach and mentor today’s youth on how they can achieve their American Dream …” In this respect, Mr. Mills “guessed” that I was referring to “peaceful demonstrations.” Nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, violent protests, murders, cop-killing, burning businesses, etc., should be condemned. Maybe Mr. Mills disagrees, and believes violence should be allowed whenever and wherever it happens? If this becomes our life, all of us can say “goodbye” to America, as America will become the next Zimbabwe or Venezuela.

I will not vary from my previous letter to the editor. I love America, and thank God every day for giving me the blessing of living in this great country!


Evan A. Werling, Brown County, CPA and international entrepreneur

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