Government calendar for week of Aug. 4


Tuesday, Aug. 3

Local Emergency Planning Committee — 8:30 a.m., Brown County Ambulance Base, 53 State Road 46 East.

Brown County Election Board — 2 p.m., Salmon Room, County Office Building, 201 Locust Lane. Agenda includes call with VR Systems regarding causes and remedies for electronic poll book issues from 2020 general election; update from poll worker training committee; voting location discussion; possible precinct alignment changes; Gnaw Bone Sewer District election discussion; and other business.

Nashville Redevelopment Commission — 5:30 p.m., Town Hall, and virtually on Zoom. Agenda includes introduction of new member Louis Klein; public input regarding residential TIF; Building Community housing initiative presentation by Justin Schwenk of the Brown County Redevelopment Commission; and other business. Join virtually at, meeting ID 845 7155 8539.

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Cordry-Sweetwater Conservancy Building Commission — 6 p.m., CSCD office, 8377 Cordry Drive.

Wednesday, Aug. 4

Brown County Commissioners — 2 p.m., Salmon Room, County Office Building, and virtually on Zoom. Agenda includes HR report; Parsons rezone from R2 to FR; Thrive Alliance presentation; maintenance and paving updates; Baker-Tilly review of financial forecast and pre-budget review; 2021-2023 capital improvements planning; ARPA update; election matters for consideration and report from election board; report on Salmon Room equipment and website update. Join virtually at, meeting ID 926 343 4415.

Helmsburg Regional Sewer District Board — 5:30 p.m., Brown County Community Church, 2370 W. Main St. An executive session to discuss land purchasing will follow.

Thursday, Aug. 5

Brown County Soil and Water Conservation District — 1 p.m., BCSWCD office, 802 Memorial Drive. Meeting will be outside; bring your own chair.

Cordry-Sweetwater Conservancy District Roads Commission — 5 p.m., CSCD office, 8377 Cordry Drive.

Cordry-Sweetwater Conservancy District Ecology Commission, 6 p.m., CSCD office.

Brown County Schools Board of Trustees — 6 p.m., Brown County High School, and virtually on Zoom. Agenda includes comments from Sherrie Mitchell; donation of $500 from Brown County Inn to 2021 Governor’s Work Ethic Certificate; adopting NEOLA special updates for emergency and electronic meetings, nondiscrimination and anti-harassment, definition of meeting of the board, member participation in meetings through electronic means of communication, meetings during declared disaster emergencies,  and wellness; separations of high school principal, BCS bus driver and Helmsburg before-school care coordinator; appointments of Helmsburg preschool teacher, middle school football coach, Sprunica after-school care supervisor, BCS maintenance employee, fifth- and sixth-grade volleyball coach, Helmsburg after-school care supervisor, middle school special paraprofessional, seventh-grade volleyball coach, Sprunica special education paraprofessional; extra-curricular positions at Sprunica, Helmsburg and BCHS; transfers; and superintendent’s report. To be preceded by a 5 p.m. executive session to receive information about and interview prospective employees. Join the public portion of the meeting virtually at
, meeting ID 871 3622 8388, passcode 424395.

Nashville Town Council — 6:30 p.m., Town Hall and virtually on Zoom. Agenda includes appointment to BZA. Join virtually at, meeting ID 884 6901 9597. The budget work session originally scheduled for this meeting is no longer on the agenda.

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Monday, Aug. 9

Nashville Utility Service Board — 10 a.m., Town Hall and virtually on Zoom. Agenda includes adjustment requests; budget/revenue management report; operations report; discussion of future meeting dates; and budget workshop. Join virtually at, meeting ID 836 0396 6899.

Brown County Council — 6:30 p.m., Salmon Room, County Office Building, special meeting to review Baker-Tilly financial forecast and pre-budget review. (RESCHEDULED from Aug. 2.)

Tuesday, Aug. 10

Brown County Regional Sewer District Board — 6:30 p.m., Helmsburg Community Church pavilion outdoors. Bring your own chair.

Cordry-Sweetwater Conservancy District Security Commission — 7 p.m., CSCD office.

Wednesday, Aug. 11

Helmsburg Community Development — 7 p.m., Brown County Community Church, 2370 W. Main St.

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