LETTER: ‘One simple gift’ can save lives in Ukraine

‘One simple gift’ can save lives in Ukraine

To the editor:

Do you know what a one-burner camp stove for backpacking looks like? It’s a small metal device, 6 inches by 6 inches, that screws on top of a small propane cannister.

This single item can save hundreds of lives in Ukraine this winter and are needed right now, today!

With that one object they can cook food, boil water, have heat and even light to read by. Any back-country camper or explorer can tell you how important that single item is as a survival tool!

It would be so easy to distribute a thousand of these to dozens of villages in the back of a pickup truck.

Electric generators are of course essential but are big and bulky. This is a single, very small item that will save lives all across Ukraine and can be used from apartments to farmhouses to survival in basements underground.

Please start some kind of campaign in your churches, schools, charitable organizations, online, etc. to kickstart a program that can save lives from a single individual to entire families! One simple gift.

John Wm. Sisson, Nashville

Letters to the editor

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