PET TAILS: Lovable lap dog Beluga seeking his forever family

Most everyone has that one friend who is always happy, positive and ready for anything life throws their way. They have an incredible ability to make you smile even on your worst day.

They make you feel special when nothing else can. For some, that friend is human. For others, it’s an animal. In our case, it’s Beluga.

Beluga has a knack for lighting up a room the moment he enters it – and boy does he know how to make an entrance! He will come bounding in with his entire body wiggling, unable to contain his excitement.

Seeing his friends is Beluga’s favorite part of the day and he is sure to greet each person individually as if to thank them for being in his life. His absolute joy for life is guaranteed to bring a smile to anyone’s face.

In addition to hanging out with his friends, Beluga’s hobbies also include flinging around rope toys and seeing just how fast he can tear the squeaker out of stuffy toys.

So far, we have only found one that has outsmarted him. But, we are confident that he will change that in no time.

Beluga enjoys car rides and the fun and excitement that come with them. Passing the day with a nice hike at the park or visiting new places is his idea of perfection.

When it’s time to settle down for the day, he is just as happy with that. He firmly believes he is a lap dog and can squeeze himself to fit any size lap available. Feel like your lap is too small to hold him? Don’t worry, he will prove you wrong the moment he is given the opportunity.

Beluga is also a very smart boy who has mastered sit, shake (with each paw), down and is currently working on spin. He is eager to show you just how good of a boy he is!

His goofy personality has quickly made him a favorite among staff and volunteers alike.

You can visit the BCHS online blog at to see videos of Beluga in action, including a recent visit to a volunteer’s home that gave him a much-needed break from the shelter.

Beluga is eligible for our Foster to Family program which means you can take him home for up to two weeks to see if he is the perfect pet for your home before officially adopting!

Beluga has been holding hope for 140 days to find a family of his own. His wishes are pretty minimal – a loving family to share adventures with.

If you could be Beluga’s adventure buddy, loving lap to nap in and overall best friend, consider opening your home to this amazing boy.