LETTERS: Story of Noah includes often forgotten details

Story of Noah includes often-forgotten details

To the editor:

In this time of global warming with glaciers melting and sea water rising, sometimes it’s good to look back at events in the past and see how our ancestors handled situations similar to today.

Noah, for one, had similar issues.

Spoiler alert: The Old Testament was written by Jews for Jews, and yes, it predicts a Messiah they are still waiting for. There are no Christians in the Old Testament because Christ wasn’t born yet.

One of my closest friends for over 50 years is Jewish and gave me a “Teaching Torah” from his synagogue. I’ve been there and they are in every pew.

Of course the Torah is the exact same text as in the first five books of the Old Testament.

So here is the “Noah Conspiracy” that seems to have spanned thousands of years. Noah put all the birds and animals on the Ark two by two. Every man, woman and child around the planet will tell you that — but it’s a lie!

It seems to have been whitewashed for thousands of years by religious leaders, preachers, priests, rabbis, mullahs and every Sunday school teacher of every denomination around the globe.

Movies, media, and mothers have all perpetuated the “big lie.” Never mind our fathers’ responsibility!

In Genesis 6:19-21 the Lord indeed instructs Noah to put the birds and animals on board the Ark two by two. But throughout history theologians have stopped there for some unfathomable reason.

The very first three verses of the very next chapter in Genesis, chapter seven, states that the Lord told Noah to put the birds and animals on the ark 16 by 16! Read it for yourselves.

Why the conspiracy and “big lie” for thousands of years?

Of course the first thing I thought about was the — how can I say it — waste material accumulation situation.

So I asked my Jewish friend and he told me ancient Jewish scholars surmised that God gave all the creatures constipation for 40 days and nights. I’m not kidding!

Can you imagine the day they all got off that ship!

So in this age of global warming and seas rising and you feel empathy for all God’s creatures and feel the need to build and Ark — you’re going to need a much bigger boat!

John Wm. Sisson, Nashville

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