Brown County School Board Agenda Aug. 21

The Board of School Trustees of Brown County Schools will meet in public session on Monday, August
21, 2023 at 6:30 P.M. at Brown County High School in the Goldberg Room.

Regular Agenda Items:
1. Call to Order
2. Modifications to the Agenda-None
3. Recognition of Visitors & Comments from the Audience-
4. Presentation-
i. Christy Wrightsman-CRC Budget
ii. Christy Wrightsman-CRC Advisory Committee Bylaws
iii. Greg Pagnard-Van Buren
5. Discussion-None
6. Approval of Public Session Minutes-August 7, 2023
7. Action Needed Items
i. Recommendation to approve the 2023-2024 Teacher Appreciation Grant Policy
ii. Recommendation to approve the Resolution in Support of Military Families
iii. Recommendation authorizing the school administration to begin the legal steps, including the
publication of notice of a hearing, to fund the middle school project with the issuance of bonds in an
amount not to exceed $6,105,000
iv. Recommendation to approve the donation of $146.90 from Kroger to Sprunica Elementary.
v. Recommendation to approve the donation of $1,000 from Eric and Megan Tannenbaum for
football sponsorship/donation.
8. Consent Agenda Items – Personnel
a. Separations-
i. BCHS Guidance Registrar, Beth Vasquez, effective August 11, 2023.

b. Appointment-

i. BCHS POP Fest Coordinator, Allison Gootee, for the 2023-2024 school year, $1,180
stipend effective August 7, 2023.
ii. BCS Work Based Coordinator, Megan Connelly, $25.00 per hour up to 40 hours per
week. All salary and benefits are paid through the 3 E grant. This is a one year grant funded
position that expires July 31, 2024.
iii. BCMS Assistant Track Coach, Brittney Ketring, Group 12, $1,241 stipend, effective
August 21, 2023. This is a replacement for Dan Smith.
iv. HES After School Provider, Cambria Cox, Level 1, $10 per hour, part time, no benefits
effective August 9, 2023.
v. HES After School Supervisor, Aviendha Cox, $14.75 per hour, part time, no benefits,
effective August 9, 2023. This is a replacement for Katrina Root.
vi. VBES Paraprofessional, Brianna Robertson, Level 1, $12.00 per hour, part time, no
benefits, effective August 21, 2023.
vii. BCS Bus Monitor, Krystal Wallace, $12 per hour, part time, no benefits, effective
August 22, 2023.
viii.BCMS Assistant Football Coach, Stacey Price, Group 12, $1,278 stipend, effective
August 3, 2023. This position was unfilled in 2022-2023.
ix. SES ECA Positions for the 2023-2024 School Year
Math Bowl Megan Purlee
Science Bowl Abbie Gordon
Spell Bowl Lauren Lockdall
Instructional Coach Erika East
High Ability Alyson Hanus
Technology Coach Lindsay Wheeler
x. HES ECA Positions for the 2023-2024 School Year
Math Bowl – (Split position) Brenda Ely and Michelle Joy
Science Bowl – Jodie Silbaugh
Spell Bowl – (Split position) Malini Stiles and Cynthia Baughman
High Ability – Michelle Joy
Technology – (Split position) Natalie Robison and Erica Garman

c. Transfers-

i. BCMS Assistant Varsity Girls’ Track Coach, Christy Wrightsman, to BCHS Assistant Varsity Girls’
Track Coach, effective August 9, 2023.
ii. VBES Paraprofessional, Cheree Johnson, to VBES Art/Music Special Paraprofessional, effective
August 7, 2023.
9. Superintendent’s Report-
11.Board Update-
12. Adjournment-