Brown County 4-H highlights 13 clubs that local youth can join starting in October.


In honor of National 4-H Week, Brown County 4-H would like to highlight the 13 clubs that local youth can join starting in October. Beyond these clubs that meet at the fairgrounds, afterschool clubs at Brown County’s three elementary schools are also available. // To find out more, mark your calendar for the Brown County 4-H Fall Open House on October 19th at the fairgrounds from 6 to 7 p.m. Enjoy free hot chocolate, meet club leaders and see a 4-H animal or two. As many of our club members have shared, Brown County 4-H is one big family, and there’s always a seat at the table for youth of any interest, ability or background. // 4-H enrollment is open at // Questions can be directed to 4-H Extension Educator Katie Finney at 812-988-5495 or [email protected].




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