Brownie: Tornado Sirens

Say pal, I heard you were looking for a private eye, a P.I., a gumshoe, a sleuth, shamus, sherlock, ace in the shadows … you get the drift.

It’s me — Brownie — and I got a call on the horn that there’s a case that needs cracking, see? So I hitched up the trousers, grabbed a pack of Luckies and donned my Fedora.

That’s right, sweetheart, I’m raring to go.

Look, I’m a simple man, see. I get a question, I find the answer, under any means necessary. Since when did solving cases get easier than ordering a cup of joe? Ain’t that a bite? What has this world come to, and how do you milk an almond? But I digress.

After a week off, you must have missed your old pal. Either that, or you’re just trying to keep me busy. Either way, I got a few questions this week, so youse guys are keeping me hopping:

The first one came from Barbara Yarnell.

At noon I heard a LOUD siren. Sounded like it was coming from the sheriff’s office. Is that some kind of weather alert system and what are we suppose to do if we hear it?I’ve heard it several times now, seems like it happens early in the month around noon. So I’m assuming they are checking the system?Thanks for your help. Enjoy your column very much!

Thank you, Barbara, you keep me young. Now I don’t know much about a siren, the only ones I need are the ones that tell me when it’s time for dinner. However, there is no ask too big, or problem too small for the man on the case. So I started by reaching out to my pal, Brown County Emergency Management Director Chad Jenkins. He was certainly the right man for the job. Here’s what he said.

That was the tornado siren. It is tested on the first Friday at noon. If you hear it at a different time, seek shelter and turn on your battery powered weather radio if you have one.

Well folks, there you have it. The right answer right now. Although I’ve always wondered what would happen if a big twister came through on the first Friday of the month at noon? Maybe that’d just be God’s way of saying our time was up, huh?

Hey, in other news, the weasel saw his shadow and Taylor Swift’s boyfriend was in the Super Bowl. I don’t know why, but that’s supposed to matter to me. Call me an old softie, but I’m optimistic for the spring time. Hopefully the baby birds will bring more mysteries for me to solve. For right now, Steven Smith from Helmsburg has me working on a case. That’s Steven! I’ll report back to you next week. Same bat time, same bat channel … oh, that’s a different character. Sorry.

And all the rest of youse guys, if you have a question, send it to [email protected] and the journos will make sure I get the message.