National Good Samaritan Day is March 13: Here’s how you can get involved


Small gestures sometimes make the biggest impact.

March 13 is National Good Samaritan Day, a day created to recognize those who show acts of kindness and selflessness for strangers. It is the perfect time to check-in with yourself on how you could better serve members of your community.

There are many ways to celebrate Good Samaritan Day like volunteering at a local nonprofit organization, donating food or clothing, writing an uplifting letter, helping out someone in need or simply by spreading kindness – the world could always use more of that.

Your selfless acts do not need to stop when Good Samaritan Day is over because there are many nonprofits in Brown County that could use volunteers.

The Brown County Humane Society is always happy to have more volunteers. If you enjoy spending time with or taking care of animals, consider donating your time at the animal shelter. Volunteers must be 15 and older, or 18 and older for dog-walkers. Youth under 15 can still get involved outside of the shelter by hosting fundraisers and making crafts for the animals.

“We have some really great volunteers,” Brian Blessing an animal care staff member at the Brown County Humane Society said. “We have people who walk dogs, people who make enrichment toys like Kongs for dogs (rubber toys that hold dog snacks for mental and physical stimulation), people who clean cat litter boxes. We have all types.”

The Brown County Humane Society does ask most of it’s volunteers to commit to the same time schedule weekly or biweekly for at least three months.

“We really count on them being there, our volunteers,” Blessing said. “We count on them being here when they say they are going to be here.”

Interested parties can fill out the volunteer application on the Brown County Humane Society’s website.

Mother’s Cupboard Community Kitchen is another great nonprofit organization to volunteer your time at. Jill Baker, Mother’s Cupboard’s Executive Director said they are specifically looking for volunteers to help Chef Joseph in the kitchen. If you have ever had any interest in cooking, Chef Joseph can show you the ropes.

Volunteers for in the kitchen must be 16 and older and available to be at the shelter between 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.

If you are a rookie in the kitchen, all hope is not lost. The community kitchen is also looking for volunteers to serve in the pantry and hand out food directly. Servers are needed between 3:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m.

If you would like to volunteer at Mother’s Cupboard Community Kitchen, you can contact Baker by phone at (812) 929-4369.

“I can get them (interested volunteers) fitted in for open space,” Baker said. “We often need help on Fridays, two Saturdays out of the month and the first Thursday.”

Acts of service are very important examples of what a good Samaritan looks like, but most of all being a good Samaritan is about spreading kindness and making others smiles.

Help lost cats out of trees, start a pay-it-forward chain and call your grandparents.

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